
Yeah i know everything you are talking about, and you still look like a fool if you sue people over 1 word, its like if World of Warcraft sued someone over using the word Craft.

Because they are making the company look like fools, who sues over words.

If Hideo Kojima can make a new game Studio without Konami, then i bet Todd Howard can too, we all know he doesn’t like these lawsuits, he adores the creator of Minecraft before he got sued by them.

*breaths out looking a kitten pictures

I am, these people have nothing to do with Elder Scrolls, they are not making it, and are not as good at PR as the Bethesda company.

And what does these people have to do with the Creators and people behind Skyrim and Fallout ?

Elder scrolls Online

Jesus, Zenimax should sell Bethesda so they cant touch this brand anymore, just a disgusting company thrusting around like they own everything even words.

(notice how they go after the richest companies and people ?)

I never knew those things existed!!!

You should try Black Desert it has some of the weirdest characters i ever seen.

Megaman Legends 2, only game i was so furious at a boss that i threw the disc on the floor, only for some reason it broke :/

Well here i am 14 years later and Megaman Legends 2 is a super rare game ;_;

My country just gave away 500 million for schools in other countries that needs help, and this is what you americans are using your money on ?

Oh please, everyone knows this is where people come to yell at Trump, just admit it.

Dont come with crap like that, (Your) country just accidentally bombed 62 refugees in some third world country no one knows about, and not a single mention on the news.

Am i the only one who thinks he looks more like a nice guy now that he is old xD

This is what you wanted, and now you got it in 1000 times the scale.

As a Euro man, i gotta laugh sometimes at how missguides you guys are.

He is a must in the new play mode, the tight corners and forcing teams to stay together makes for a perfect Ultimate, got 5 medals 5 times in a row.