
No, Cloud was awesome.

Its much more complicated than that, every FF game where the story takes place over 10-30 years is always epic.

People pay S-E over 300 dollars just to get Lighting in a simple mobile game called FF Brave Exvius, the loot there is more addictive than in Overwatch, and more expensive o,O

These 2 past events have been really lame, skip

Nice i have a Ps4 pro :D

I dont have a PS3 my ex took it :(

I never played Kingdom hearts, should i buy this to catch up?

FF 14 is a heaven for man gamers, so many girls ♥_♥

The charm of the girl made me go trough the entire Vita version ♥_♥

For those saying that this was a bad idea.

Rule nr 1, complain about heroes, expect your team to loose.



Now playing

Why cant they do like FF 14 and call it what it really is ?

Blue gold is one of the most common Bunad outfits in Norway :P

Can i have the honor of showing a bizarre rock song from 2004 made by Gåte, its a Norwegian Folk rock band, i am really drunk and been listening to this song to realize its super Norwegian :P offcourse if you dont like experimental rock you can just ignore me <3

Saunas are the very popular here so it does not suprise me xD

She looks super Norwegian in that Bunad outfit.

She looks super Norwegian in that Bunad outfit.

Damn, i am buying this game <3