Such a lame comment :_:
Such a lame comment :_:
The guy that made the picture is a dick, just read the messages he writes after.
I dont know why people complain about Ground Zero, i am in the first area, and i spent over 2 hours just doing side stuff saving 1 secret person and finding those damn tapes.
Do i have to play Peace Walker to understand the story, i kinda only sticked to the console Metal Gear games.
Now all we need is a restaurant and cars.
I am not sure it works that way
Yeah i play a lot of The sims 2 and 4 because of the focus on managing business and food.
I wish there existed a good restaurant managing sim type game :(
Oh god this is perfect.
Why do you think i am angry ?
yeah, its just games, there are worse things in the world than sitting on your ass and playing a boring game.
AVGN called you 8 years ago and wanted his bad joke back.
Haha, i never done it, but if you walk past a Hospital, nursery or a old persons home, think right now atleast 10 people in that building (mostly girls) are putting their hands in some persons ass, and are underpaid.
Its his damn job, he gets paid to do this, people shove their hands in other peoples asses as a work routine , i don’t see anyone giving them a pat on the back.
Nr 1 thing to do before patch, Buy FF 14 Heavensward . Thank me later ^^
It got massive positive reviews on Steam . while all other places just are meh, nothing special, and nothing controversial like the trailer.
Wow. im sorry, that i liked a show made by 2 men :P also i think you are just faking it, that angry face is way to cute to be angry.
Are you the guy that decides what gets shown?