That part was more about how we all think Japan is a crazy place :P
That part was more about how we all think Japan is a crazy place :P
Yeah as a guy from Europe i gotta admit some of your game box arts suck.
Us content is more extreme, its just that Japan only gets the weird shit in news, you don’t see news about 400 employees in Japan getting flowers in their mail by a happy fan.
Nice, but it would be even better in Norway ^^ hehehe
He actually meets a gay person in the game, its quite cool and funny scene depending what you choose. But i don’t think you can say anything that makes you gay, which prob is a downer for some.
Sex i used the same way a half naked woman or man are in promoting a movie from posters .
Why do people obsess so much about sex scenes, i see it on YouTube too, the highest viewed videos from Witcher 3 are the sex scenes.
I have Zotac Geforce 570 and i can run it perfect on low settings. so happy!
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Wait ? mmo, so you walk around with 1000 other players ?
Yeah with the fighting mechanics like Witcher 1 you could almost tell that it was some hybrid crpg Diablo fighting system mixed in with first person.
They go where the money is. It will be anyday now , mwhahaha
Well people need to be punished for bad crimes, but thinking murder them and rip them asunder only leads to worse things.
Wow they blocked the songs in Norway from the official YouTube site , guess they don’t want us to buy it over here.
There is one biiiiig fail about Dungeon finders in games like Wow and FF 14
Ah come one, is no one gonna mention the PS1 Overboard game :(
I liked the 1000 words song best.
I saw some weird top 5 beheading video on youtube where people where moving after a beheading, just a silly video about stories from the past where it was noted that the head was still alive after it was cut off.
Most songs here are almost 20 years old.