
Wait so now you can play FF 10 on Vita from Ps4 , but if you want to play it on the Vita without Ps4 off, you have to buy it -_-

Ah jesus, i remember that Youtube guy from 7 Days to die, he talks so much and repeats the same jokes all the time, cant stand it ..

Yeah i would prefer it gave it away for the people that spent some time getting it, and i am not talking about spending 24 hours a day getting 1 stupid mount.

Wow , you have to be the biggest docuhebag ever,

there can be save spots, i dont play that much too, i usually have 3-1 hour a day playtime, and i cant see any problem.

I'm sorry buy its been 1.5 years without expansions and they been doing great, why should they not be able to continue ?

You are forgetting one thing, FF 14 is 1 years old. and Wow is 10 years old.

I have never asked for Hardcore stuff, i just said that the game was hardcore if you wanted it.

To much alcohol ?

Did you read the part about overhauls ?

Yeah MMo games are freaking time consuming.

I didnt know we where talking to a expert game developer, i would try to explain more when going after the devs and say its easy, if you dont like the hard Coil you have the Primals wich is more don't walk on the red line, kill that add, i would suggest checking out Titan, which was from 2.0 that was one of the

There is no easy mode, the Coil of Bahamut requires skill and they keep adding more content than Wow has done in years, and even after completing that, you get Savage mode which is freaking impossible, i haven't met one person that has made it. there is something for everyone, and the cut-scenes makes the world more

2 games from the same time, and WOW still don't look as good, even after 2 overhauls..

FF 14 is hardcore as fuck if you try end game, if you are casual you can ride Chocobos and craft, whatever you choose its fun, also FFXIV is a fucking great game, never going back to WOW.

My favorite game ever!, been playing since release.

Not just the graphics but the view is amazing, everything looks perfect.

If you dont like ff14 then you should stay away from new mmos, because it doesnt get any better than this game.

The Malaysia plane one was a little grim lol.