The Last of us
The Last of us
Wait a minute, so ??? The Last Of Us gets a pass, but this game don't ?
Haha amazing :D
Its almost like Blizzard knew FF 14 was making it :P. or opposite.
Sigh... why couldn't the Vita get any cool Rpg games..
Tina Amini (lots of hearts)
When a singleplayer game is so boring i want to rather continue playing a MMORPG game, than its really fucked up.
nothing beats A Realm Reborn trailer
Cooking is the most fun in the Sims, i love that they have started making cooking important in The Sims 4 by making 3 branches, Normal food, high class food,Bartender and now baking.
ultros just got beaten to death in FF 14 patch 2.3 xp
People work harder and better during crises.
Am i the only one that want to strangle the voice actors in this game ?
I don't really care about any of this, but looking at Kotaku`s history, are they trying to drive forward something ?
I love that game <33
I dont understand, i finished chapter 1 just now in Witcher 2, and i couldnt remember there beeing any fetch quest. the quest sent me out to a forest where i was to stop an alcholic troll from drinking, and a tomb which where an insane asylum and the spirits had run wild with revenge. to kill the monsters i need to…
Dragon Age 3 was boring because it was a MMO in singleplayer.
Please dont mention Batman and Siri in a The Witcher 3 article ever again .
Its pretty clear that Majoras Mask was the favorite here ^^
I take that as defeat.