
Do you know that word in my language ?

From Norway still speaks English better than you....

People. people never learn about outdated gaming ref-fences

Thanks dude :)

Oh shit i meant patches. sorry.

Thank you, i have been trying to get people to tell me to play it , but everyone says they ruined with a 70 to 99 lvl patch or something.

And it might be too much Asian boyband style as you said.

I was one of the guys that hated everything after FF 10 and 12.

WOW 14 months no patch, then pay for next expansion.

Well Filet mignon can be bad and good, it all depends on the guy making it.

Who said that ?

Yeah, but the game cant function if they didnt even try to test the PC version with Mouse & Keyboard.

Yeah the combat is just not as good as Dragon Age 1.

I don't care if i have to buy a new PC, i just pay monthly for 6 months.

I haven't read it, but its good.

I hated the story in this game, totally pointless, wish they just stuck with mini games and side stories.

I would look at it this way, some of these reporters have worked their entire life with this job.

So the game has lost all its strategic game play, and goes straight for the action.

First of all, i think you have a good point.

Cassandra and that boring elf. made me want to strangle them both to death.