
So you actually liked the overview ?

Pending approval , sorry, dont click on those links.

Thank you kind sir :)

Yeah, the list is pretty weird sometimes.

Tell me why i have more fun with MMO games then ?

Its still an MMORPG in a single-player game. the only thing that would have saved it was the overhead view which they completely raped.

Is this MMO going Free 2 play soon ?

Try it on the PC...

Microsoft lost me when they fucked Europe over making them wait, while many other countries got the console.

Soon 2015 and still my favorite game.

Yeah thanks Kotaku for the FF news <333

Good, because there is allot to do in Realm Reborn, and this will give me more time before FF 15 comes out :)

Good day to be a Final Fantasy fan :D

God damn i love this game. always something to do.<33

Ok, i can see that you didnt like my comment.

Turn based is for people that like strategy.

What a weak counter argument.... -_-

I tried them and didnt like it.

Tina Amini writing an article is my christmas gift <3 :D

Space Ghost..