
I just wrote here, why is my post removed ?

Can someone fix the comment system, its retarded as hell.

And its cheeper.

What a stupid comment system....

Patricia you know you like it. stop hiding.

It had one flaw that made me never complete it, the battle system was not fun at all.

How retarded are you?

Your sister is in the standalone, and everyone gets a piece.


My hands hurt after using the 3ds for 30 min, so no thank you, i do not need generic Zelda and Mario games, the only thing that was special was Fire Emblem and Pokemon X/Y Oh so many games......

I love you man <3 :D does that help ?

Relax man...

Typical shit talk. if it cant be handled kill it.

Wait so the only reason you are mad at me is because i went against Usa. if you seen the damn video you will see himself saying that(whats the worst thing happening, a scratch here and there ) proving my point, but i had no idea sooo many people where gonna answer that i didn't have time too prepare, basicly its just

My dad got bitten in the ass by a hunting dog, he has too this date never spoken too or accepted dogs as friendly.

OK OK IL stop fucking around, but still, throwing that cute raccoon was not a heroic act.

That is the thing, why would you throw such a small animal ? A beer can kill you . A raccoon is just some animal that makes marks.

Oh you Americans, afraid of everything . where is that Oh you dog MEME.

Yeah because that creature would totally destroy that dog. why not just kill all raccoon's in the area and not be troubled by them anymore.

Its just a movie joke. But living in a sane area, where people understand animals, this would never happen, who the fuck throws an animal down the stairs almost killing it. Idiots that's who.