
You know Americans, everything that is written is true.

Well i am gonna mention it because its fing great.

I bet their dad was like (Now don't you go too that DAMN WATCHACALLIT Craft Star Tournament!! or else you are grounded!) 2 hours ago.

How about testing new forms of battles like the giants of Jrpg have.

pretty good shooting mechanics ?

ohh we got an fanboy over here.

Oh fun times when games become movies, and gameplay becomes .... ?

The only thing i want too see more of in FF X is Auron Jecht and Yunas father.

Haha . look at Trettons smirk

The Last of Us its its like a movie , GOTY !

My best video was removed by Fox. so weird that they would go to that extent too remove a video.

What a stupid comment.

Just give it up man. there is no real answer and we are on a American internet site.

Now that is a real answer !

Ok let me put it in another way, if Australia gets a super army of pop bands that do well all over the world it is called Pop.

You tell me, that word was invented in Usa.

Then why isn't games here called Erpgs ?

Is Dark Souls a Rpg then since it uses (So called) Western (cough bullshit) features ?

Role playing games was made in Europe like everything else that Usa uses.

Than why don't me and you use some letter behind our Rpg game ?