
I completely agree with you here. Don’t get me wrong, higher resolution IS nice, but like you said, it’s also, for me, at the very bottom of the list (and I have 4K TVs and PC monitors). Now, if I had a 70" TV or bigger, maybe I’d say otherwise, but that’s not the case.

What I find funny is that if a big retail store chain like Walmart would buy, let’s say (for the sake of this example), a huge and popular power tools company to make it 100% exclusive to their store, a lot of people would say that it is a d!ck move. Now make Walmart buy a second brand of tools too. And then a third

I certainly wouldn’t have any complaints if Epic was actually serious about providing a competitive storefront with a decent launcher...

You can even do a big bunny hop, which I don’t remember being in Crazy Taxi, but is a cool and useful move.

Most of it didn’t make sense for most gamers.
And that’s what Google didn’t get.

Very cool. People will be able to store one Call of Duty game on the internal HDD, AND get space for at least another CoD game.

Have an LG G8X phone and I can literally hook a USB-C to HDMI adapter and plug it into a monitor. It then acts as a standalone second screen and I can hook a mouse and keyboard to it too. Never tried but I think storage drives would work too, through a USB-C multi-adapter (I should test this, I have one) Not that I’d

Game sizes like these are a big part of why many games turn me completely off. Maybe if I’d be the type of person who play only one game at a time and play it to death all the time, maybe this wouldn’t be so much of an issue, but I’d like to think that I’m like the majority out there, who like to have some choice

I know. I thought it was a good idea too. I’m a big fan of “modular” anything. And about stores not wanting to carry outdated modules, I don’t see that as different than having to carry outdated phones (provided the tech catch on, of course - which is where this could fail). The only problem I would anticipate from

Thing is, Nintendo already had a positive reputation back then so third parties weren’t afraid of supporting the product, given that all of the big N previous portables were successes (unless you count the Virtual Boy as a “portable” but that’s for another debate, lol!). Still, that sucked, no doubt, as I remember

The key thing is “on terms they find favorable”. I’m not to say I know how every business works, but any decision a business make always involve more than the number you get at the end.

What I think we’ll see in the future may be Google selling its Stadia tech to developers who want to have their own streaming system for a specific game (like Control is getting a “streamable” edition on the Switch). That sort of thing.

I just hope they at least try to fix Stadia as a whole

“What? Stadia has started its descent into an unsupported, anti-consumer mess of a shit show? Who would’ve thought?”

Everything we buy these days has jerks and assholes that are profiting from it somewhere in the chain. So sure, we want to avoid giving money to these people, but then, most of the time, we do because we just don’t know about it.

I never played The Lost Vikings that much, but both Rock’n’Roll racing and Blackthorne are titles I played to death back in the days. And both are still eminently enjoyable. Although the song renditions in RNR racing do feel dated. The SNES edition sounds like .mod renditions of famous songs (anyone remember those

A lot of decently built headphones have a “sidetone” feature that also pass the sound from your environment through the headphone. My PC headphone set (Logitech) has this feature that works quite well. My son has a Corsair one that also have this feature. And my main music-listening one (Pioneer) has a button that

If you had the choice of buying a PS5 from Walmart of Amazon or BestBuy or any retail chain you know (that has returns policies if something doesn’t work and all of that) VS buying from random stranger on eBay or Craigslist FOR THE SAME PRICE, I think the choice is easy.

If stock gets to a normal situation, these

No one’s forcing anyone, of course.

I’ll probably buy a Series X or/and PS5 when I can grab one from a retailer, and better yet, probably when they’ll start doing bundles with a game or something, for better value. So yeah, probably at least a year or two from now. No big deal.

But you know how gamers are... Many feel

In fact, all they’re doing is artificially creating demand by removing perfectly functional supply. Even without their markup, they are making things LESS convenient for shoppers, not more.