
Yes, I’m the rude one!

I was a manager at Williams-Sonoma. (ugh, so many stories that I’m trying to forget). Customers would be on their phones while I was ringing up the purchase. Usually they’d say, into the phone “sorry, can’t talk, checking out, brb” and I’d look right at them and say loudly (as if they said it to me), “no problem, I

So many of these!!! I was a manager at Williams-Sonoma and we always had samples and random foods throughout the store. Some of these were props though, and they could be really old.

A good host is like a good office manager...they know all the gossip, can make your life heaven, or hell and smooth over most of the basic customer issues. A bad host can sink the ship. No survivors.

Prodigal Son: Kid Rock. Picture your button-downed dad/boss in a suit singing it. And (in my head) killing it.

I love how he keeps saying that he wants the ball “back.”

When the Clippers moved to SD, Mr. Sterling plastered San Diego with billboards of his mug saying “My Promise: I will make you proud of the Clippers”

I live in the Marina (wassup my brohams!!!) and want to check this well as Chariot, and Loup. Side note: why so many? I agree that muni 30x is much better, at least for me, and more regular. I’ve got plenty of issues with the Nextbus app, like not accounting for bus driver rest stops (?!?!?!?) but since these

So, like Lance Armstrong?

Reminds me of one of my favorite tweets:

I was in San Diego last week and got stuck at Dad's house watching the local news. KUSI. "Independent!!"

ugh...I tasted the soap brownies. I cannot untaste them. We are still trying to figure out the steps involved that had dry soap (our assumption)added into a dry brownie mix. Unless her kids punk'd her.

Customers will walk in, saunter right up to me and (only) say..."tablecloths?"

I have no idea how that soap thing happened. I can still taste it and it was about 4 years ago. Pure soap flavor. Probably dishwasher powder soap. Yuck!

ugh, that coffee guy. I worked at Fancy Kitchen Store and would deal with people looking for a "normal" coffee grinder, or "regular" toaster. Eventually I got that they were just asking for a cheap(er) one. To me, all of our products were normal, except for a couple of vacuum coffee makers or induction cooktop

They're just using the wrong "automatic system." I say ask the NE Patriots for advice.

I like to make a list the night before of the stuff I need to do the next day. I can be a worrier and wake up a little stressed out. So now I just wake up and go "hmmm...I've only got one thing today!" (that would be the list)

I had to actually explain to my managers (a few of them over the years) that "as the son of public school teachers, I cannot let ignorant people keep believing in incorrect facts"... Like when customers told me about a location and/or entree that DOES NOT EXIST!!! (I believe you're referring to TGIFridays or

I waited on Oliver North back in the early 90's. I didn't like the guy and soooooo wanted to make a comment, but he was so charming, polite and friendly that I lost all my nerve and was his "helper buddy" during his meal.

When I could tell ahead of time that there would be a check-picking-up-contest, I'd print an extra one and give out two! "you both can pay!!"