
Estee Lauder, the Buick of the cosmetics industry.

You will not be disappointed. They have great prices, fantastic return policies and their employees are actually happy. My son works there and he has nothing but good things to say about that company. We were Costco members long before he got hired and it was the employees enthusiasm that made my son want to work

I cannot even imagine how painful that must be. I just want to give you a hug. ((((CunningStunter))))).

With holiday shopping upon us, it's that time of year again to point out that Costco is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Years Day. They do this weird thing called actually caring about their employees and their employees families. They also pay the most coveted wages in retail, so their employees aren't

Please ask your friend to give him a hug from this internet stranger. This is absolutely heartbreaking.

There are no words.

"My future's so bright I gotta wear shades" clearly wasn't an option.

It sure hurts though.

I'm so sorry.

Oh my goodness. Did she stay with the guy?

It amuses me that a person married for 3 whole years thinks they hold the golden ticket to the happy marriage ride. Come back after 21 years, Neicy. I'll give you a tip for a happy, lasting marriage: There are none. It's a gamble, a roll of the dice. Many win, many don't.

"You shout about a man in a shirt, and wear a ring in the nose?"

Either way, they are officially the worst.

Oh, really?

Congratulations TLC, you are officially the worst network on television. Only a very short background check would have revealed this, but you chose to look the other way and allow a child rapist apologist to become famous.

Blasphemy! That wedding dress was the style of the time and simply incredible. I'm envious you saw the exhibit. It's on my bucket list.

This gown is perfection on her. She also looked very happy.

Along that same tired old line of "she's a skank for her sex tape", yeah, well you watched it soooooooooo. It's always the woman that gets the name calling. Ray J didn't receive any scorn whatsoever and neither did the millions upon millions of men who watched it.........while calling her a whore.

I read your story and actually gasped. That was some incredible level of deception and I cannot imagine the pain of seeing that photograph. I'm very happy to hear you have moved on and are happy.