
I'm PMSing and I have a menstrual migraine - can I PLEASE punch all of these stupid tweeters in their collective faces? #TamponsShouldBeSubsidized

Well, that doesn't make sense because it isn't true and is the opposite of feminism. But good effort, keep trying!

Oh my god, he sounds like a tiny, 1920s gangster.

The funniest thing about it is that when he's got the mic in his hand he sounds like a news reporter in the middle of a hurricane.

Professional ballerinas are all strong and athletic, but historically emphasis has always been about having a long, 'lengthened' body. Misty breaks the mold - unbelievable talent in a muscular and defined body. She's amazing.

I remember right after I went en pointe as a kid, the Chicago Tribune ran a full-page side-by-side comparison (in the sports section) of a ballerina's body compared to Michael Jordan's. It detailed how it takes just as much training, muscle, strength and agility to perform as a ballerina as it is to make dazzling NBA

And her butt! I would kill for her butt. She's just incredible.

It must be the absolute peak of what our species can be. Amazing.

That is one of the most athletic looking humans I've ever seen in my life. I pick her first to play on my team.

Sweet zombie jesus, I watched it with the sound off and that is one seriously lovely ad. Those calves!

That passage in the OT about putting people to death for certain situations explicitly mentions them in the same breath as "things not to do in the temple". They were part of orgies that were used in the worship of Molech so...there you go.

a design featuring a dog dressed like a princess and wearing a tutu

I was SO BEFUDDLED by the extreme gender division in the baby clothes department. A six-month-old is a six-month-old. Give me something with some damn ducks on it.

As the mom of a female early Minecraft adapter, I can tell you that buying a boy shirt is not a great alternative if your girl doesn't like bizarrely ginormous clothes. Just as girls are encouraged to dress like tiny princesses, boys are being conditioned to wear massive frat-appropriate bro-shirts. A boy's small is,

Kudos to Lands End. On a related note, I've been struggling to find baby boy clothes that don't all have footballs or cars or baseballs on them. Why does a newborn need to wear a "MVP" onesie? Or a onesie that looks like a business suit, complete with a tie? Can't a baby be a baby for 30 seconds before we start

Um, so, I want that NASA Crew scoopneck tshirt for myself.

lol silly pluto you're not a planet

The Bible is actually very reasonable. The problems are the people who try to reinterpret it and twist all of it's words into things the Bible doesn't actually say.

But... why don't they just have the same story but make them be married already? Then they can have all the sex they want and it will already be Godly. Except you know.... no butt stuff.

I skimmed this entire article and there was not a single mention of Florian Fortescue. I am disappoint.