
You've spent a lot of time defending the entry for someone who wrote you don't care to change anyone's mind and also you write, you don't want to get into the moral issues. But you do. People do demand a standard from a feminist site.

The folks that write here are well educated. They even criticize other outlets for their coverage of stories. They purposefully create. They don't blunder through writing.

I hope the show gets cancelled. There are other pilots in the wings and truly funny women who should have a show. This show is sexist and stupid. With it's plot of a older dude being the center of three women's universes, still, and the running joke of how hung up his ex-wives are....gee, where's the feminist edge,

Because it sucks. The only reason it gets any play on this blog is that Sarah Haskins is listed on it, but it does women no good to promote such a sexist show. Funny, Sarah married a dude decades older than her, and he has 2 ex wives. Except it is not funny. It's bad and there are other great pilots in the wings that

Jezebel gets it wrong by conflating the possible racism and mistake by law enforcement in one story to racism in another story, where the lost kid was proven to NOT to be the biological child (although the woman claimed she gave birth to her) and no one knows where her biological parents are. The law enforcement

The child in Greece has been DNA tested. The adults holding her are not her biological parents, although the woman first claimed to have given birth to her. Now they say they were given the child by a family friend. They've changed their stories several times.

Actually this story on Jezebel is misleading. There was a case of a blonde kid in Greece whose adults said she was their biological child when DNA tests proved the opposite.

Actually this story on Jezebel is misleading. There was a case of a blonde kid in Greece whose adults said she was their biological child when DNA tests proved the opposite.

Ummm, The BBC had awareness and reported on the situation.

Actually this story on Jezebel is misleading. There was a case of a blonde kid in Greece whose adults said she was their biological child when DNA tests proved the opposite.

Yeah. College. Below 30 years old. Yeah. Also, the pressure to be thin is greater the lighter in skin you are. So white women get the brunt of the thin judgment.

At a glance, if a kid appears to not be related to the people claiming to have given birth to her, and then they fail a genetic test that they are the parents (although claiming having given birth to her in their shifting stories - then you have a problem.

I would love for her to get a show, even on Netflix or something.

Yeah. Prim bitterness is never hot. That's the result of stuffing your anger like a lady and continually biting your tongue. You may be prim and proper, but as a natural law, seething and bitter for not being allowed to actually get angry.

Hey, even in the fiction, even in the rom-coms, getting the woman angry is the prelude to sex for dudes. Even worse in the old, old movies where as a man, you'd seal her angry words with a kiss. Some dudes fantasize about two girls really fighting. And a woman getting really passionate angry at work: kinda a turnon to

Yup. Being in your twenties trumps most other cultural issues when it comes to teh sexy. I mean, if Lena had snagged a doctor in her late thirties on her show and especially if she were larger, they would take the show off the air if it were done for anything other than pain or comedy.

I wonder...which is gayest cookie of them all? I mean, which one packs the strong gay making power. I need to know this for my order.

You mean, if I eat girl scouts cookies I could make myself a lesbian!

I do think that when it comes to hair, many people color their hair to be the color they want and there's no judgment. Even when young, people color their hair. So if you want grey hair, enjoy it. If you don't, color it. Same with men. Some enjoy the grey, some, like Paul McCarthy, color it. Some men enjoy being bald

Anger can be hot to men, actually when it comes down to it.