She believes people will automatically give her the benefit of the doubt because of the new feminist push which advocates the presumed victim's words over anyone else's.
She believes people will automatically give her the benefit of the doubt because of the new feminist push which advocates the presumed victim's words over anyone else's.
You say she has nothing to gain by making this up in a very matter of fact sort of way, but that's not true. While I think it's important to point out most rape accusations are real the general claim that, no she couldn't have made it up because she had nothing to gain out of it is an assumption. He is famous, she is…
She sounds like a serious pathological liar, very much like that waitress who made up the story about a couple leaving her a homophobic note on their check. You may think she had nothing to gain from making false rape accusations but people like that love attention and creating drama, it doesn't have to make sense to…
Not a sheep? Haha. Oh my, certainly edgy aren't we? Your opinion to have, bro.
I'm sorry, not to disagree but you're wrong.
And just curious what is it that doesn't do it for you here.
For those who didn't click on the originating article here are the cliffs:
Don't question this woman's feelings, she was pretty much raped and murdered.
Good luck with your quest for girls who know about the FRS...
Something the GOP needs to learn:
It is none of your business whether or not employees unionize. That is between them and their employer. Your job is to work for ALL of your constituents. Bullshit like what Corker pulled, or like Nikki Haley saying she (effectively) tells companies that they aren't welcome in South…
You missed a huge step.
Left of center?
How about this side of reality. Walmart pays a shitty wage and then has its employees sign up for government benefits. They actually train them how to do that. Those cost savings you enjoy are paid for with my tax dollars.
It's a marketing campaign. I will believe they support American manufacturing when I see it.
I've lost count of the number of times I've been playing Assassin's Creed or GTAO and I hear a mother yelling at her pre-adolescent son through his mic. My thought is always "Stop yelling at your goddamn kid and just turn his Xbox off. He shouldn't even be playing this game in the first place."
People who play music into their mics in MP lobbies because they think the song they are listening to is sooooo badass that it simply must be shared with the world. It's the digital version of those douchebags in college dorms who put their speakers facing out the window and play loud music into the quad.
Leaving the mike on all the time and letting the mike close enough to your mouth that you're constantly breathing into it. You people know who you are!
I'm a Southerner and my family has lived in the same rural area for over 200 years. If there is a symbol to show the pride of being Southern, the confederate flag isn't one of them. Plain and simple. You want to show pride? Feed people who aren't from the South BBQ, have them listen to bluegrass, blues, or country,…