
Nope. It was released as a WiiU port on the eshop.  It was a slight overhaul of the remote connection hardware. 

But that stops people from having to pay to play online

The WiiU port was a lot better at it. The Skyward port 2 seems like its gonna be better. Still no clue why it’s gonna be $60 for this old of a game they already ported once.

They needed to find a way to get people to spend $60 for another DLC pack. 

Just squint to ignore the pixelated edges on anything curved or the weird reflection thing happening where the towers cut into the sky boxes. 

If they use some of the “beefier” hardware to put some actual detail into the world then sure. Some damn clouds instead of the terminally tan and bland sky. Some other people flyiong around from other tribes to add a population to the world. Especially when you are in the bigger settlements. Give flight a feeling of

Woo... Another game to the port device. How long before people just start calling the Switch the WiiU 2?

A second port of. For $60.

Just gotta deal with HP’s proprietary PSU and MOBO. The ram is hilariously slow. The PSU is a 500W bronze is rather shit. ESPECIALLY if you toss in the 2 HDD expansions.

Again if you are gonna expand anything in this you are gonna need to gut the PSU and mobo due to propritary connections, for a standard one with a

Just gotta deal with HP’s proprietary PSU and MOBO. The ram is hilariously slow. The PSU is a 500W bronze is rather

The same way a HHR and CHR and whatever else bloated hatchback on stilts is flagged a SUF for the same of reduced CAFE standards... 

But then Tesla couldn’t charge a premium for the inflated wagon. 

Make the roads safer, train drivers to be safer, introduce re-testing every few years, make sure people are trained for the vehicle they choose to drive, ect.

OOF $60. Hope they at least include some of the Stadium games minigames in it. Kinda like a pokemon Mario Party.

OOF $60. Hope they at least include some of the Stadium games minigames in it. Kinda like a pokemon Mario Party.

I forgot how expansive Peach’s castle is. 

It’s a move from them carrying over the 3ds models!
Sadly that’s about as HD as wel will get on things like fur from a Switch unless it’s a matte finish.  The game has issues showing Mario in a fuzzy outfit.  I can’t imagine it doing a fleet of them. 

Sadly considering that they actually did work making the pokemon look like more then a carry over from the 3ds.  That means they are gonna charge us $60 for it and another $30+ for DLC. 

Think I hit the button once on purpose, saw it wanted me to sign into everything,  Never hit it on purpose ever again. 

Naw. this system fosters more competition and news and therefore free press and increased perceived demand. IMO have all preorders set a pickup in person window. if they miss the window then they get bumped down the list. If an address has multiple systems sent to one household or business (more then say three) then

Welp... time to kill online preorders. let people get their asses back in line to fuck over scalpers and bots.

AWD, hatchback, roof, beefier transmission, seats, turbo, ect...