Ray Smuckles

They covered it last night. On the whole, the comments were anti gamer gate (though obviously not all pro Sarkeesian). I'm actually relieved to see people separating the two out. You don't need to like her to condemn and acknowledge what's been happening.

Why can't you enjoy his work? Learn to separate the art from the artist.

Seriously. It is like the same hatred people throw at Anne Hathaway, "she tries too hard". Yet when dudes try too hard to the point of craziness at their jobs (Daniel Day-Lewis, Prince, etc), we celebrate them. Women, however, must pretend they just accidentally are great at stuff.

I wish I was still a registered voter in WI; Scott Walker raises me to Red Lantern Mera levels of rage.

Well, of course it needs to be investigated. And it needs to be punished. I'm saying that the assumption that the only punishment that will make an impression on a 14 year old is a trip to the local jail is an alarming mindset for the school officials to have. Alarming and increasingly common.

It's a pretty self-deceiving to think that being a narcissistic asshole with no respect for others, especially their elders, is a phenomenon new to this generation of teenagers. Socrates famously said,

I know this combines creepshots and bullying, two very hot-button ways to be a shitty person, but I think a legal charge for a 14 year old being an asshole is overkill here. This seems like something that should have resulted in detention or suspension, not arrest. I'm not keen on pushing kids into the legal system

You didn't even use the stale "snowflake" insult right. Shitty commenting all around.

So is this more condiments for your total nothing burger?

I'm embarassed to say that in the years of hearing Jezebel clarify they are "not a feminist website" while reading dozens of articles here decrying the fact that women with a platform distance themselves from the term, the utter hypocrisy never occurred to me. Great point.

I hate to be a snarktopus on a well done article like this, but... If Jezebel can deny that it is an explicitly feminist site (esp. When they use it as an excuse to do patently unfeminist things), then what right does this site have to bust others for doing the same??

I feel very annoyed for saying anything in defence of this song, but to everyone saying that the lyrics skinny-bash, listen to literally the very next lines after the infamous "skinny bitches" one: "I'm just playin', I know I think you're fat / But I'm here to tell you every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to

I see that willfully misconstruing what women who don't consider themselves feminists is not a trend that Jezebel is interested in dropping now that feminism is "in". She didn't state her reasons for not calling herself a feminist, or say anything about gender equality. She did take the opportunity to change the topic

I find it difficult to believe that there isn't some way to shame the NFL into taking violence against women seriously without declaring every NFL fan to be a women-hating misogynist. I say this as someone who doesn't really give two shits about football, but understands why a lifelong fan might pause before creating

I'm sorry, but I have to wholeheartedly disagree with this article. I am supposed to stop supporting a team I grew up loving because the asshole higher ups made and a completely terrible decision? I have to choose between being a feminist and supporting a team whose fan ship is huge part of my identity? Of course Ray

Does it really matter to you? Have you ever watched the show?

The dark color really suits her too. She's like a badass goth biker witch and I love it.

No white dancers!

Pictured: #thinspiration

The real Skeletor is jacked as FUCK.