
As someone who had the gastric bypass, that liquid-only diet is stressful enough that you lose hair (plus the other issues, of course), even with high protein shakes daily. So yeah, I definitely don’t think having a liquid-only diet for someone with a wired-shut mouth would somehow come out the opposite.

I mean, they do think their penises are so much more powerful and magic that it can turn lesbians straight, make uninterested women interested, and apparently, cause far more trauma.

Let’s hope that whoever does buy it up is willing to put it up online or something for everyone to read, rather than squirreling it away and keeping it to themselves.

I can already say that 2020 is going to be a repeat of 2016. Too many people on the left saying it’s more important to vote for your beliefs than against Trump. So they’re already planning on voting against the Democrats if the person chosen isn’t Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or whoever passes their purity test.

Until eyesight goes.

“But I think it’s a fairly low risk life choice, as opposed to vaccines, stuff like that.”

Did you just insinuate that vaccines are a high risk life choice?

White people aren’t marginalized in this country. Being a white victim means you’re more likely to get justice in the first place. Sure, being poor reduces that likelihood, but it’s even worse for a poor POC. So laws broad enough to ‘protect’ the power majority can instead be perverted to benefit them instead.

Well, this doesn’t seem fascist, at all. /sarcasm

How it’ll look in operation: “Let’s make it a death sentence pretty much to defend yourself against excessive violence from a police officer, and then the masses will be much easier to control.”

Welp, you convinced me now. It can’t possibly be that men of color are more likely to get arrested for rape than white men, especially white athletes with great swim times!, it’s clearly just that they’re more rapey. I guess it’s time to sign me up to join your wing of the KKK. Do I get my hood upon first signing, or

That’s why so many people didn’t want Ted Cruz running for president - his father is a dominionist. His father literally believes that the government is one of the seven aspects of our society that needs to be dominated by religion to bring about their goal of a Christian theocracy. In other words, a real life

Especially after the Austin bomber probably gave him some ideas.

Well, it takes a certain amount of cognitive dissonance to think you’re a good person while voting for Trump, and a certain ability to disassociate words from their meanings in order to justify his behavior still. So the end result is a mental state that is fractured and words can be put in any order.

From various reports by those around him, he didn’t seem to really want to be president, either. He was running to lose just so he could bank on the benefits of that.

The one thing I wonder is how much of her trash is her being trash and how much is it to keep Donald placated? He’s clearly a very controlling asshole, and probably had a great lawyer write up a prenup that would not only keep his riches from her, but also possibly their son. The questions around her visa a while back

You do realize that it has a lot more to do with class and lack of opportunity, right? Turns out being poor is more common among POC and that leads to more crime. Especially when your community was destroyed by drugs being intentionally introduced to help destroy it, such as the way crack cocaine was.

But of course,

As a white-passing non-Black WOC, I keep trying to explain this concept to people, and I find so many people refuse to acknowledge that fear, because to them racism always equals KKK. So they like to pretend they’re not irrationally afraid of Black men (or even Black women since there’s also the negative stereotype of

All their money being taken from them in the form of taxes to support all them non-whites on welfare. (Ignoring, of course, it’s mostly whitey on welfare.)

I wish I had read this before I decided to take the highway home today. It did take me twice as long as usual to get home. D; I usually take backstreets, but I decided to take the highway this time so I could stop and get Peiwei...

Unfortunately, media including porn and mainstream movies have pushed this narrative of “women are gatekeepers to sex and say ‘no’ but really mean ‘yes’, and they want you to fight for it. Remember, coercion is romantic.” Not just in sex, either, as I’ve experienced the “she doesn’t mean what she says” response from

I’ve always been about the community creations for getting better hair and clothing options. Or even better tech toys - like when sims resource had a “shower” on sims 2 that reset all their stats to max for the day, so I could actually focus on them mastering skills for jobs before dying of old age. D;