
I know I felt far more self-conscious when my in-shape friend tried to strip me than when I stripped in front of my ex who had an extra 20lbs around his waistline, because I felt my body wasn't going to compare in desirability with all the loose skin. And I do weigh myself daily, and even twice daily, because I'm so

The second one was less than three months ago. So I just started back on the dating scene. However, most of my real life friends out here are also his friends, so my dating is what I find on OKCupid. D;

Oh, hey, they actually offer more sizes this time, too. :o E75 was not an option when I looked at the original page.

The first one decided that the best way to end it was to treat me so badly that I'd dump him.

My father works for an airline as a customer service agent, so I've been flying nonrevenue since I was 12. I have to adhere to a dress code because of it. Although, my dress code on SWA is it must be sleeved, goes past the pant hemline, and the bottom piece must be long enough to not flash anyone my panties, and no

At least it was only four months wasted. I spent 4.5 years on one guy, 2 on another - both of whom chose the most asshole ways to end it.

Note to self, use my southern accent when trying to pick up men, but stick to northern for everything else.

You probably would not enjoy notalwaysright.com and notalwaysworking.com then.

I love and hate those displays when I'm in Little Tokyo or other Japanese restaurants. I love them because I know what I'll be getting, but I hate it because I end up salivating over several. D;

I'm also allergic to jalapenos, but not any of the other peppers I've tried. So of course, people assume that I'm just saying it because I'm a wimp (although, I am that, too). I have to explain it has actually given me hives before they take me seriously.

This makes me almost want to get in contact with my ex again just to share this.

It's only weird if you know me well, but cowboys. There is something about a man wearing a Stetson that makes my uterus start trying to crawl out to hump them.

Damn it. I could have been the one writing that letter to Polly. Except after the last breakup, I started trying to evaluate what I should have done to be 'better' for him. Because I wasn't keeping my place clean enough or x or y. But that's because I internalize other people's problems with me. =/

Some of us women are pegasisters, some are bronies. It depends on each person's preferences.

I haven't met any husband material yet, but I've only been on OKC for a month. I have met a few pretty cool men, though. I only respond to the ones who actually read my profile and prove it to begin with. I find that the ones willing to put that effort aren't going to be as much of jackasses. If they're still talking

I think you just explained to me why people misuse the word "forensics/forensically" around me. I'm used to it only meaning "applying to the criminal justice field."

I'm a guera, so I cannot tan. However, I envy my other the olive skintone she didn't give me. So I tend to only do sunscreen when I intentionally plan to be outside for hours. Because then I know I will burn and it will hurt. Otherwise, I keep somehow hoping I will be able to tan a bit. D;

I'll do it if I can stop having to carry my debit card and driver's license whenever I go out.

I'd rather have a mouse or rat than a hamster, but I did like that it sits in a little high chair to eat. XD