
So because I like to hump friends who bend over and I'm great at tug-of-war, I'm an alpha. B|

And now pregnancy got even more terrifying. D; That really is the ultimate parasite, isn't it? D; Merging itself with your blood vessels and shooting out hormones to control you. D;

I hate the taste of water with food. Its blandness ruins food for me. I don't like diet coke or tea, either, which are the only low-calorie/low sugar options most places. Although, I will usually order a diet coke with lemon slices at restaurants, anyway, and just gag it down. But after my gastric bypass, I also

My boyfriend at the time and I were in a long distance relationship. I was in Arizona, he was in Texas. When his grandfather died in Pittsburgh, I flew out with his family for the memorial. At the church this grandfather founded. Right after the service, when everyone else was going for the small talk and finger

The awesome thing is that for reasons science hasn't figured out yet, the gastric bypass cures PCOS. I'm now cyst-free. =D Which means I now also have regular cycles even when off birth control pills. But I stay on it because the IUD didn't work for me. So I could potentially have my own children if I wanted now. But

You're right. I was clearly eating way too much when I would skip breakfast and eat a Luna bar for lunch, followed by one 'normal' dinner. I should have totally dropped that dinner, too. Hell, maybe instead of discovering the only treatment for my polycystic ovaries was the gastic bypass, I should have just tried the

Well, yeah. They only get the amount of money once from you, but they can potentially get multiple amounts from other people.

I hurt all over now. D;

"the bodies of those with disordered eating that requires starvation and denial to some kind of saintly asceticism." Sadly, that's not even hyperbole. There are several saints in RCC history who are believed to have had severe eating disorders including the famous Jeanne D'Arc (Joan of Arc).

I'm not even sure if I qualify since I had the gastric bypass. But before I had it, I was infertile, anyway, due to severe PCOS, so I hardly would think it a loss at this point. I know I could also get the higher end since I'm a 27-year old Caucasian-looking female with green eyes working on her doctorate.

I'm actually considering looking into egg donation. I can get up to $5k to inject myself with hormones for a couple months and then endure a large, painful needle. And actually, they pay more with the higher education you have.

Nope, never even been engaged.

Before I discovered adblock plus, FB gave me diet ads, dating site ads, and universities offering the degree I'm already working on... *twitch*

My mother called me a couple months ago to ask about these maternity magazines that have been arriving at her door in Texas in my name (I'm in California). I'm not even pregnant, nor have I had to do any baby shower shopping. I have no idea how I got into their algorithm.

Uh, yeah, most of us are NOT into animals like that.

The echidna penis is also kinda weird.

They had a vegetarian burger option when I was in Vienna, surprisingly.

Um, everything is made of chemicals. You and I are. Water is. Everything is. And while it's not pure meat, the taco filling does contain meat.

This picture makes me want a fried egg and cheese sandwich. D; Welp, I know what my breakfast will be in the morning.