Emjay Cee

Barstool Sports?

I have a different analysis. The car in front was tired of the other car riding his ass. He then saw an opportunity to frustrate a prick by getting in front of the truck and braking just enough to close the door on the pricks opportunity to continue following him in his prick-like manner, and force him to wait behind

Indeed. If I decide to drive like a race car, then I commit. I will not get rear ended being an aggressive driver... I may hit something in front of me, but I don't use the coward pedal for sure.

This is the first one that I've gotten! Hooray!
SPOILER, YO (as if it hasn't been spoiled already)

Or Darth not recognizing C3Po or R2. Heck, anyone not recognizing them! Would Obi Wan not think "hey, I knew robots with those names..."

why does your middle school allow access to deadspin?

Nobody puts Solo baby in the corner.

Head Zeppelin.

You're basically God. You can do anything, stop anything. You could institute global socialism or a complete dictatorship. You can end wars. Have fun, and more importantly, get rich carrying tons of equipment up into space to get us out into the stars, harvesting the moons and meteors and other planets and shit.


I'll have the Titan sized one thanks

A good Nazi, evidently.

I personally like the girl who taps her dude friend on the shoulder so she can get some high fives. For him it's YEAH spontaneous. For her she really needed those fives.