
Everything about this is looking real good but more and more I realize just how irreplaceable Kevin Murphy is as Tom Servo. Of all the bots, Servo is the most complex and Murphy gave him a life force that will be extremely hard to duplicate. There is an impressive range and a sublime peculiarity to Tom Servo which is

Teenaged Mutant Ninja Doomsday

The Riddick universe is Vin Diesel’s pet project. It’s not that it’s being “brought back” over and over again. It’s that he’s doing them between other movies when he has time and financing.

It’s just the story of an invasion of transdimensional orcs helped by their demon masters and a titan corrupted human wizard. It’s a story as old as time.

Or it being way, way to serious and full of itself.

Shots of ships flying over water or through trees are not “homages”.


I’d rather have it dalayed and done properly with more episodes than have it gimped or not done at all.

Star Trek. CBS is sitting on a cash cow but they are too obsessed with playing to an old demographic. Which is why theres nothing good on CBS

As always, I find it silly that we are making conclusions that something doesn’t exist or is impossible via telescope observations. To make claims that there are no advanced civilizations is akin to sitting in your living room, looking out the windows, seeing no one and coming to the conclusion that you are the only


There aren’t enough dual planet systems, in hospitable zones, with sufficient/correct atmosphere, with a long-lived magnetosphere, with consistent enough environments, with a correct recipe for advanced proteins, with proteins that learn to replicate, with life that survives multiple extinction events, with creatures

This is what I’ve never understood about these discussions. We’re literally looking into the past and our ability to do even THAT is fairly new. It just screams of hubris as people declare this stuff impossible.

No, we’re just too primitive ourselves to really be able to travel or reach out.

Even though it remains my favorite TV series of all time, even I have to admit that a lot of the second season of Twin Peaks was really awful. But the last several episodes, when David Lynch returned, were quite good, showing a return toward the spark from the first season.

RLM is funny but their arguments are terrible to anyone who has seen the films they critique. You can’t take them seriously as a critical resource; as hilarious as they are, they are inherently biased against what they’re watching (because hating something is funnier than liking it, obviously) and therefore

Jeremy Irons in the first Dungeons & Dragons movie. No holds barred. No cheese spared. No scenery unchewed.

This the moment when I realized that the entire message of the film was essentially going pseudo-philosophical bullshit.

Definitely all of Prometheus, but also all of Splice, too.

“You told me you want monsters. I gave you monsters. In no way am I responsible for the terrible decisions made I am just shucking that responsibility up the chain to the management who didn’t have a PhD or three and thus don’t know any better. “