
i have forwarded these comments to tim marchman at your university.

Yeah, and if you don’t like what they write you can just get them expelled.

You are not. Larry Allen was a baaaaaaaad man.

Ether became a verb after Nas created a song called “Ether” that destroyed Jay-Z lyrically and physiologically. It is one of the best rap dis tracks ever made. So much so that “Ether” became part of the Hip Hop lexicon meaning destroying one’s credibility. An “attempted” ethering doesn’t count.

We aren’t going to buy your false equivalences anymore. You are insulting our intelligence.

And honestly, would it kill Hoiberg to wear a tie?

Funny. I actually imagine an opposite scenario, in which everything falls apart and the Celtics regret acquiring Boogie.

Every time I see Boogie put up a big performance like that, all I can think about is him being on the Celtics and how easily they could handle everyone in the East and possibly challenge the Warriors for the championship. Too bad it’ll never happen.

You have to look at the fuel tanks inside. They look like ovaries and what not. Without those - it’s just a tube of metal.

My own photos are 35mm Ektachrome slides, buried somewhere in the basement under another 45 years of detritus. I just grabbed an Apollo shot off the net.

Counter point - she is a beautiful tropical fish/musk-ox/land mermaid who’s ambiguous ethnic blend perfectly represents the dream of the American melting pot.

Anyone who doesn’t have the skills or education to break out of working at McDonald’s, but has a family to provide for... what do you suggest they do?

For the entirety of my college career, I—

If your business requires, as part of its business model, that you not pay your employees a livable wage, then your business does not have a sustainable model. If people work full time, they deserve to be able to live. It’s not a difficult concept.

Sounds about right for a team representing Loss Angeles.

St Reagan would be rolling in his grave if he could remember how to roll. On that he has no recollection.

Punching Nazis shouldn’t be illegal. It’s a goddamn American pastime, ffs.

Reporter: What did you think of Emmanuel’s antics?