
Uhh, do you see how it loops? And says GIF in the bottom left corner? Just because you have to hit the play button doesn’t make it a video.

In the longer gif you see him smiling as he throws the flag.

There was a guy on an Orioles message board who was 100% serious that Hayden Penn would bust because of his name.

He did go to Utah

I didn’t know it was going on either and I clicked because I wanted to see this ending. Is that okay?

Thats not obscure enough for a joke, eh.

I will never forgive you for helping the Brits in their attempt to take Plattsburgh. Thats just one of my rules.

You’ll change your tune when Kaiser Wilhelm and Ho Chi Minh sneak through Belgium to get to you

The A-kay one

He did throw a helluva Cheese party

Otto Graham thankfully never lived to see this.

Diana Ross at the Steelers/Cowboys/Neil O’Donnell Super Bowl was the first one I remember. The crowd held up colored sheets of paper to create an image, I think it was a USA one or something. I also ate a whole bag of Doritos.

Sharia law would be fine if it had more Jesus.

And only -824.55 points?

How is the start-up coming along?


It might be trolling. It might be more entertaining. It has to be further away from re-broadcast scrutiny.

My middle school ears once heard Errict Rhett yelling on a ref’s hot mic “I’m like a motherfucking truck in here!”