Crash Bandicoot and his crew are racing on to consoles soon when Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled releases later this…
Crash Bandicoot and his crew are racing on to consoles soon when Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled releases later this…
The fourth installment of Hal Laboratory’s puzzle game series about box-shaped characters who can emit boxes from…
There’s a mystery in The Sims 2 that has never been solved. The Goth family, consisting of Bella, Mortimer, and…
On its 25th anniversary, Windjammers is finally getting a sequel. But despite a new art-style and slightly more…
The Mini-Disc never caught on in the U.S. But during the 1990s, the format did in its native Japan, where MD isn’t…
Call of Duty: WWII’s Japanese poster campaign sure looks different. Instead of battle hardened troops, it features…
The resources for med kits are used in everything from buildings to weapons.
Foxhole is a new multiplayer game where you play as a soldier in a massive online battlefield. You, along with…
Remember Microsoft’s Avatars, those wobbly caricatures that danced around the Xbox 360's dashboard? They’ve been…
Call me crazy but... Uncharted 4 is looking like one of the most impressive games of any platform to date! =O
The Wii U Basic Set set is no more in Japan, Nintendo announced today.
I don't know why I didn't think of using this when I was in art school. Time to go and dig it out of my closet with my printer.
Bob, you have no idea how long that took me.
Welcome to Kotaku's Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you click on the…
Here's what's going on Talk Among Yourselves, our reader-written blog: Stormborn makes Super Mario Brothers' bad guys look better in the latest part of his redesign project. Pink Zapper Helmet offers up insight on how the costs of video games prevents them from reaching a wider audience. And JJtheTexan shares info on a…
You've got to stick together with your allies, otherwise Aerys has a 25-30k army that rolls around the map steamrolling everything. Beat that and lay siege to King's Landing, then get the Lannisters in, who should tie up the Tyrells....