
This is no searing indictment, but Kojima’s public declarations have definitely played into the culture that’s grown around him. I think he’s adjusted and changed the most of the three listed, so the least annoying, but he’s not unresponsible...

Granting PS Plus a price victory when you near constantly run ads (on THIS SITE) on how to obtain spectacular deals for Game Pass is so confusing, I can only describe it as a trap to make the article more popular by making it controversial. I’m also confused by the victory awarded to PS Plus in games “Playstation has

The streaming on PS Now is so bad compared to xCloud

To really offer as much value as Game Pass, Sony really needs to ramp up their library on PC honestly, rather than trickle everything out slowly, their streaming tech really isn’t cutting it.

As of now, at least in my opinion, it doesn’t even come close to the Value

I guess I’m kind of blown away by people seeing almost entirely a collection of last-gen games as a win. I currently have both Gamepass and PS+ (the middle one), and while PS+ has been “worth it” for Stray and Demon’s Souls Remastered, I don’t really know what I’ll play after that. That’s not entirely true, I would

I mean COD is a multiplat series. It’s not the game that dictates choice. It’s Sony having limited exclusivity on things that dictates the choice. Xbox continuing to sell it on several platforms but keep the really cool stuff for themselves first is the slightest of change. 

Yeah, there’s a ton of that dumb zero sum thinking in gaming, too. “But they made a game I don’t like, hence wasting the resources for the game I do like”.

The comments are full of people literally saying “Do they expect me to buy this a third time for $70?” and the answer is... no. They expect someone else to do that. This is not for you.

Yeah, this is the key thing that pisses me off about this situation. Gamers (and Kotaku, apparently) are stuck in this frame of mind where everything is... you know, specifically for them.

Do people want it?

Why are gamers so angry

The touch pads on the Steam Deck are so much better implemented than on the DualShock 4/DualsSense that Sony should be embarrassed. I’m glad that Sony continues to support them, because they are useful, but they definitely need some work.

Yah, knowing basically nothing about Disneyland’s Marvel stuff, I definitely assumed this was about an actual stunt performer that actually died at first. Had to go through a series of “holy shit why is this article being so flippant about this tragedy" before eventually deciding "okay there's no way this is real".

It is amusing to note, given this lack of hierarchy, they happened to put their own game top of the list.

For a TV show that’ll pull in a LOT more than that over it’s lifetime, and is practically impossible to make (successfully) without those people? Nah, you can open up that purse way more before we get to the “you’re making your fair share” point.

So, somehow, it was wrong for consumers to take advantage of sales? And you talk about having 8 years of Plus piled up, but that’s also Sony’s fault. Microsoft has a 3 year cap. Which is the smart way to operate since you don’t run into situations like this. Everything about this situation is Sony’s fault and they

Eh, I think it’s a little dramatic calling this the drought. This time of year was pretty crappy on Gamepass last year too. There’s still a large library for people to pick through (just look at the slideshow from last month that’s linked in the article). If you’ve managed to make it through them all, either your job

Anyone who isn’t finding value in the gamepass is bonkers-crazy-pants or has already spent their money on every game to come out each month. As someone on a tight budget, there is at least one game announced each month that pays for the whole subscription. I can understand un-subbing because you just don’t have the

God Kotaku needs to stop with these bad takes that no one asks for.

Reading through all this and the quotes I’m somewhat confused as to the order of events as it’s seemingly reading like:
- It was a reasonable place to work
- Microsoft bought it and left the old manner of working in place thinking “it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
- CEO who got paid stopped giving a shit and brought in a

Seriously. I feel bad for developers during crunch but unlike say 99% of us being forced to work OT it's normally not in air conditioning with out lunches paid. It's usually work these hours while customers scream and assault you, the company leaves you on a limb and everything is your fault.  Crunch is awful but it's