
@Bipolar.Bear.Disorder: I only started playing TF2 at the beginning of July this year, but I had a bunch of experience with Quake Live beforehand. If you played Quake Live before touching TF2, you'll feel a decent connection between playstyles.

And there was a hostage situation in Manila the other day too, some ex-cop with an M16 was the bad guy.

I now feel ashamed that I didn't pick up the initiative and read all of the books in the series. In my defence, my high-school library only had one copy of each and some dick borrowed the third and fourth books just about when I finished the second one.

@Zixaphir: Keep in mind, for other galleries which have notes attached, the notes won't go with their respective images usually.

@akarpens: Don't forget they have their past (free) singles available too, just click the arrows.

@Ducez: Goddamn right.

My palm met my face when I saw some of that combat.

I stopped watching less than halfway because of the sound sync (read as: the lack of).

@AgentSmithAndWeston: If it's a self-made one, there's a slim chance of it working on the 3DS.

@Charlie Jane Anders: From what I've heard, it's probably one of Australia's strongest films in a while. Although I haven't read all the novels in the series (the school library never had the one next in order,) I've read reviews saying that the whole series is just excellent.

And it seems that the Futurama video is blocked by Fox due to copyright grounds, at least for me (from Australia.)

@AureateFlux: I've actually been inside it, it's freakin' beautiful.

I was a little sceptical about Cera playing Pilgrim, but the role was perfect for him.

@CubemonkeyNYC: Using said method should level up the baddies to the usual levelling, although I only recall a bigger difference between the playthrough 1 and 2.

@CubemonkeyNYC: I think it might be slightly easier getting Willowtree and modding up a few levels. Just don't forget to add in the relative amount of skillpoints (or just enough to buff out every skill.)

@murderface_: It was a fairly good game, although i'm not sure if the problems I encountered were on my side or part of the coding.

@Raven: Grr, image didn't work, here I try again.