@DocFreeman: I'm getting Borderlands in a week, but I'll need to buy new headphones (I think my dad killed mine when he used my others without permission).
@DocFreeman: I'm getting Borderlands in a week, but I'll need to buy new headphones (I think my dad killed mine when he used my others without permission).
Sometimes when using Listerine as it was intended (mouthwash), some may drip down my chin and leave a sticky residue, wouldn't this happen with spraying it?
@HitmonInfinity: Should be by the end of the month for PS3/360, no word on PC date (possibly a week or midway into Dec)
@RightFootStar: Damn, and I feel left out because I haven't bought it yat
VOTE: Camtasia Studio.
I tineye'd most of the ads I came across, only one got a hit from istockphoto.
A still more glorious dawn awaits
I find it sad that I didn't visit CoR first (or the 2kforums for that matter) and got the news through Kotaku.
@engtech: Ah right, well I haven't done any extensive searches on second hand book stores, but I generally don't see many in my area. #bookvortex
Ah, Australia is getting Moon next month (in cinemas), and Joseph Mallozzi recommended that I read Ophiuchi Hotline.
Odd, I did a quick google on "can you volunteer for jury duty in australia" and one of the results was [www.depozitul.net] , which is a copy-paste of this article without the links. Wouldn't there be some sort of copyright on this? #employment
@JuryDuty: I don't know anyone down on their luck, but some may volunteer for you anyway. #employment
Bookmarking this thread to see if it may work at uni.
@Raven: And to a local server
I wanted to ping a Greenland server from Australia, here's the result:
@jupiterthunder: I agree, as long as it's not decorative bacon, I'll watch the rest of the video later, heck, hash browns are equal favourites of mine(to bacon).