
No. You were not clear. And I understand perfectly what you’re saying, even though you’re tapdancing like Fred-Fucking-Astaire. You are saying that you think that Farrow should not have reported on Weinstein because he has money. Money that he gives to Democrats. Therefore Farrow is somehow complicit in Trump because,

What in the holy blue bananas are you on about?

All the people freaking out about this clearly don’t have children.

I’ll see your bullshit and raise you facts:

First - I’m not a man. But thanks for assuming!

lol John McCain is just as shitty and corrupt as Trump - lest you forget, he’s responsible for depositing Sarah Palin into our lives. The only difference is that McCain is part of the “old” GOP, where they did their dirt with a smile on their face, as opposed to Trump, who is openly a monster.

Honest question, here: Is that much different than the folks that start ranting about “Bernie Bros” when the subject hasn’t even been broached?

Especially if Hillary is handed the nomination again.

Once the card is activated it can be used for anything up to $14 at the theater. I think people were buying concessions. This is to try and stem fraud. I’m an avid user and received the same email, my wife doesn’t use as much and they didn’t send it to her.

Whats going to keep someone from walking up and pulling it off the wall?

Whats going to keep someone from walking up and pulling it off the wall?

Oh go stuff it up your ass.

No one cares about the popular vote or she’d be in office.

Sanders isn’t far left by any stretch of the imagination, and lots of people all over the world are advocating for the dissolution of capitalism. We’re called socialists.

You’re a brave commenter to suggest HRC ran an absolutely abysmal late-game campaign and relied too heavily on numbers on a spreadsheet over actually trying to win over voters whilst simultaneously just saying “I’m going to win, whatever”. Really inspired voters to actually get out and vote, she did.

Which is fine, except the New Testament has several verses that can be read as an endorsement of communism, many more about helping the poor — especially that Jesus fellow; boy was he a blowhard about that — and absolutely zero about the evils of abortion.

The dumbass calling Nazis “not the real threat” and labelling the parts of the left that are willing to point out the flaws inherent to neoliberalism and willing to point out that the mainstream press hires white racists in the name of diversity instead of covering teachers going on strike as “the elements that worry

Lebron holding the dunk is both more frustrating and more awesome than actually dunking would have been.

The Guardian platform was written by the staff of the school newspaper and not the March For Our Lives organizers, but regardless, I’m in agreement with you about that part (as well as the part about beefing up school security) being particularly not good. But Hogg and his fellow students are teenagers who just

I am pretty sure there is an AdBlocker plug in for Firefox so you can make the ads disappear.

But the word isn’t in the actual lyrics so he just said it apropos of nothing