What did you expect?
First of all, quick semantic issue: reporters are not leakers. Reporters report on leaked information.
Bic Cristal pens are shit. They’re the ones we give out to the extras on set to fill out their paperwork because we know we won’t get them back.
The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention being ranked 115 immediately invalidates the rest of this list.
Try disabling the mouse acceleration for ADS. I turned it off and it started to feel a lot like the old BF3-4 games in terms of aiming and hitting things. There’s also a problem with the Iron sights not being properly zeroed either with the front sight post not being top based.
Two things he said this morning:
So we’re all gonna call Toomey’s office to teach them what graphic descriptions of the menstrual cycle are like, right?
There was never supposed to be another challenger in the Democratic primary. Hillary was their chosen one many years ago for 2016, and if Sanders hadn’t come out of nowhere (not unlike the way Trump did, by the way), the primary would have been Hillary, Webb, O’Malley, and whathisface with the frog puppets from Rhode…
Soooo... is Joe Flacco’s backup elite?
The underwear were new. Patsy had bought them for a relative as part of a Christmas gift and JonBenet had seen them and wanted them, so Patsy gave them to her.
My dad worked for Aramco and I spent part of my elementary and middle school years in Saudi Arabia living one one of the American expat compounds... still remember when my mom was momentarily arrested by the mutaween because they felt her hijab wasn’t providing sufficient cover of her face - and this was towards…
Even if he did it as a joke, why should speaking a different language get you kicked off a flight?
The looks on their faces were the looks of people who were watching somebody make an ass of themselves loudly in public.
Hold up. There’s no proof he WAS kicked off the plane for speaking Arabic. That’s something that only he has said and no one has backed him up on it. He could have just acted like a tool, then made up the rest as he got kicked off.
How the eff are there no Twenty One Pilots songs on this list? Am I the only one perpetually annoyed by their douchecanoe white frat boy “music”? For some reason I found their songs to be the distillation of everything horrible in America in 2016.