
The Dems don’t seem to be going for it either.

That Thursday pic... woof.

Like $25k a month in pensions.

Genie, you’re free

So can I do this with my cousin’s kid?

We’re gonna have Cory fuckin Booker and he’s gonna lose to Trump.

Hope McCain gets fuckin TSS from his catheter. Worthless warmonger.

Unless you bought first/business class, your seat on a airplane doesn’t fuckin matter. They’re all bad. It doesn’t matter when you get on or off the plane either.

Yeah it honestly looks like a brawl mod.

If you see something, warn-a brother.

They also sang one of the best Star Spangled Banners ever for the World Series or Superbowl or something.

Just bought my first bike off Craigslist. Unless you’re in New York, SF, Portland, etc., then you’ll find some good deals. BikeForums has a thread for just about every bike I looked up, so you can get an idea of price there.

Donkey Kong is probably gonna kidnap her, resulting in a boss battle reminiscent of the original arcade Donkey Kong game.

Why Instagram though?? Do ONE post with a link to your kinja blog or something.

President Orange. Damn, got him.

It only took us 4 years to get an officially licensed wireless headset for Xbox One. Hooray!

Man this looks bad after seeing Dragonball FighterZ yesterday.

XOX, XXX, Xbox Wunx, Xbonix, X ENO XOBX

They really didn’t mention 60fps after Forza. It just doesn’t seem possible for 3rd party games where you’d have a clear advantage over players on the other Xbox models.

oh shit!