
(That’s not the Kremlin in the header)

Any clue about what “Dylan” is? A new big ARPG IP or something more?

I came to say the same thing - preordering now!

How did the Intercept bungle this so badly? I can’t see future leakers going to them after this.

The horse ride, the AJ dummy, and the silliness of Bachelor in Paradise are what make the franchise great. The bad casting and stupid villain/anti-villain stuff is the worst. Rachel is super gracious and fun!

The Rock would absolutely win in a landslide. Americans are very stupid.

This looks niiice. But the only interior is the cock pit?

Look at those damn bird legs. No way he’s doing that much exercise in a week, much less 32 minutes.

Also Whaboom and “right reasons” know eachother from another stupid reality show. The casting is so bad.

Isn’t this an ADA violation since she’s pregnant?

Pence will be much worse for the country. He doesn’t have dementia like Trump, but this will be worse than the Bush years. 

Bye bitch!

New Haim sounds like Christian contemporary??

I’m cool with executive producer Steven Mnuchin taking an L.

The middle name is also Mingledorf

Honey with Jessica Alba.

And the follow up: “6 million seems a little high, don’tcha think?”

Mr. Shifty is the only one I disagree with here. Plus the developers haven’t been very receptive to feedback. Wonderboy or Kamiko should be in its place.

Hate the rabbids. They were like the proto-minions but without the memes and sex stuff.

I don’t think the Russians locked people in their houses on voting day.