
The nonsense is only spread by americans. Other people either don’t give a shit or are happy to see you are wearing things of their culture. If you wore a shalwar kameez to Pakistan no one is going to be mad; they’ll be quite happy actually.

Without questioning whether the kid acted as awfully as portrayed, I must say that the lead speaker in the “Black Israelite cult,” without a doubt a fully grown man, comes off as the most vile, inflammatory person in the video.

So when will Gizmodo redact all the related posts claiming Republicans were awful?

ITT: Millennials acting like they’re the first people to ever have to face crushing student loan debt, disruptive technology, and a crap economy and job market while being condescended to by previous generations.

as i said in another reply NHL 18 was my comeback to gaming and loved it. early access for NHL 19 pre-orders drops tomorrow and i;m taking PTO to Chel.

Now playing

Someday I’ll check out a modern NHL game, but for now this is just an excuse to break out the greatest game of all time (even if you can’t actually make Gretzky bleed.) And since the NHL games now apparently have high school teams, I assume they also have the post-WHL teams and you can play some great

I think you are an outlier. I also don’t remember anyone referring to it as either the NES or Ness back in the day. It seems like in the late 80's and up until SNES was released most people just called it Nintendo. I honestly don’t remember many people referring to them as NES/Super NES/SNES until after the year 2000. 

How does calling someone fuckface not get you banned? Oh I get it there’s a double standard depending on what team you’re on kinda like jokes about race.

We can, and should, definitely work on things like climate change, pollution, deforestation, the poor state of education, and income inequality. That doesn’t change.

Deadpool Can Fuck Right Off - A Totally Objective Review By Shawn Cooke. Totally Objective, You Guys.

Excellent and reasonably unbiased reporting!

His postgame interview was hysterical. Half nonchalant, half “Holy fuck what just happened”.

Foster had seven stops and one H&R Block.

Even monetized bike shares don’t seem to work. City of Seattle is on its 3rd or 4th program.

I don’t think the article actually mentions it was SWAT who went to the house. From the sounds of it this may have been a generic officer, little to no specialist training and probably little firearms training too, being told the guy answering the door is a psychopath with a suicide wish.

1 million are dying in Yemen from fucking Cholera but let’s get pissy over fucking statues, actors, and telephones.

Luckily for me the Echo officially launched in Canada today and I received mine yesterday. I just told Alexa to set me a reminder to revisit this thread in 5 years haha.

Meanwhile, directly below this post:

Remember when the Internet was evolving in the 90s and everyone said you should never give a website your real information let alone your real payment information? I don’t think Bezos is worth $100 billion because we are giving Amazon fake addresses and credit cards every time we make a purchase.