
And yet if Trump tweeted about Stormy, you would be whining that he is tweeting about it. Petulance if Trump does, and petulance if he doesn’t.

Bidet, is that French for a dog water fountain?

Bidet, is that French for a dog water fountain?

“I needed color..” No Jim, you need(ed) to lay off the drugs.

Is that why they tell you blowing in a NES cartridge isn’t a good idea?

This is the generation we want to let vote at 16, but require them to be 21 to purchase a gun?

So were 50,000 Trump protesters, in NYC. Who are the real Russian bot? The Democrats have become a tool for Putin (and a tool in general).

They seem to routinely botch news coverage also. This angry guy routinely gets it wrong.

Jezebel’s a gossip rag. Who knew?

Not a history major, I take it. I would adventure to guess that you probably have never taken a history course, outside of K-12.

It’s funny how you’ll believe a tabloid story simply because it says “Trump is bad m’kay”

It’s pretty sad when you have to stoop to lying to create something again Pence. But, that’s Liberal 101, isn’t it?

That’s classy. #smh

Trying to be a tabloid ‘journalist” I guess.

That’s a member of the US military. I guess that isn’t something liberals typically worry about, unless Rodeo Clown is screaming about them.

She’s from New Jersey? Isn’t that a blue state? Everyone knows liberals are the real racists.

The original Pandemonium, on the PlayStation, was full of incredible levels. At the time, the feeling of depth, in a game, was unique.

15.. 1.. 5..? Sounds like an formidable opponent. *over-the-top sarcasm*

She wants to hang around long enough to legalize pedophilia.

.. empower women... EXCEPT THAT ONE!

You would have been complaining if this had been an actual incident and the person killed the hostage. When there are perceived lives in danger, victims or cops, the approach changes. Do you think cops just sit around waiting to shoot someone? Obviously he wasn’t black, or that would have been all over the news.