You know you’ve hit rock bottom when Lisa Bloom is representing you.
You know you’ve hit rock bottom when Lisa Bloom is representing you.
It seems ‘boxers or briefs’ is now a unisex question.
It seems ‘boxers or briefs’ is now a unisex question.
Good to see Macron have some positive testosterone moments. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t those with his wife or with Merkle.
That’s still the case, keep up.
Achievement Unlocked. We also got a bonus achievement, we finally have a classy FLOTUS.
That Merkle grip is scary.
Comey clearly thought there should’ve been no repercussions for Hillary. She hasn’t even lost her clearances, as far as I’ve heard.
Depends, if your last name is Clinton, you can send it to a foreign spy and her pedophile husband without any consequences.
Vile liberal! Par for the course, though. #smh
Buzzfeed, is that you?
What law did he break again?
If the eagle eyed viewers knew anything about cars, they would know that in many cars the airbags remain off until there is enough weight in the passenger seat.
He probably said he supported Trump, and she wasn’t having a ‘racist bigot sexist xenophobic fascist’ in her class.
An entitled feminist attacking Ivanka.. oh, the irony.
Is using an abortion as a replacement for birth control any less ridiculous?
3 months later, and you f’kin idiots are still pissing yourself over every move they make. Maybe it’s time for a hobby, or a life.
I couldn’t have been more right. Nailed it!
I think you’ve confused responding with losing patience. When you start screaming ‘racist’ or ‘facsist’, they probably tune out.
He thinks he’s a trendy liberal, what do you expect?
.. or just let the awning fall as you wait hours for a large crane, assuming you can find one.