
Careful with that ‘we’ word. Bush got proper credit for his work in destroying Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama deserves proper credit for destroying much of the rest of the Middle East, not named Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Good to see you finally embraced your fiction writing ability. #fakenews, or journalism in general, was never your real calling.

You mean like importing refugees, building mosques overseas, or funding Iran nuclear research? No, those ‘domestic’ programs have been canned.

Call me when Trump defunds Full Sail. Not.. Gonna.. Happen.

Careful, this is a reason to live for a shrinking group of liberals.

Trump’s gunning for Big Bird.

You can’t pay of this type of entertainment. Liberal hopes and dreams are crushed daily.

“Wall Street-friendly billionaire”

Maybe he was acting like his idol, Madonna.

It was OK when Madonna did it also.

*doesn’t apply to Muslims.

She must have been a feminist. He probably looked at her with his rapey eyes. #smfh

Or.. Trump supporters jumped in to take over another hashtag. You’re becoming the vocal minority, if you haven’t figured it out.

If we factor in your history or petulance and virtue signaling, it might be a wash, at best.

Go f’kin figure. You’re not a feminist if a libtard doesn’t approve.

It couldn’t be because degenerates vandalized the college, could it?

In fact, maybe it’s time for a dialog on black privilege.

How can a black person know what it’s like to be white, but a white person can’t know what it’s like to be black?

Death of minorities? You might be drama queening that up a little. Demonizing an idea doesn’t magically make it bad and immoral.