
Or he criticizes Trump? You and the rest of the minions have empowered him.

Would that be similar to Comey saying that Hillary was irresponsible, dangerous, and untrained, but not recommending charges?

Shouldn’t the idea be to silence people like David Duke? The media is more than happy to give him a platform anytime he wants it.

Give Trudeau a break, he’s fairly new to the diplomacy game. He was just starting to get the hang of taking pictures with members of the house of commons. To be honest, a handshake is really complex.

All of the words, except the ones I quoted?

We survived 8 years of Obama and his terrorist fetish.. we’ll survive Trump.

I’m willing to bet, in 10 years, you’ll struggle to remember where you ate, but will remember GameStop. I think you had an experience.

It is the same thing, if you actually bothered to read it.

I don’t think he/she is the one doing the crying.

People die from petulance.. It could become an epidemic with this generation.

Petulance.. there appears to be no cure.

“The department, which was assumed last week by the vastly unqualified Betsy DeVo...”

News flash, Sears and K-Mart are nearly bankrupt.

Obama in mom jeans. Nailed it!

If Saudi Arabia had a team, Obama would be set.

Sounds like it’s time to grow the f#%k up! News flash, you’re going to lose in real life.. and there will be no participation trophy or puppies and crayons to make it better. Stop crying, dust yourself off, and try harder next time.

Liberals have determined that they are not following the rules set for black people. They’ve gone off the plantation.

Once again, liberals are trying to tell black people how to act, and what to think.

Wow, someone needs to schedule some therapy.

Click bait.. that seems to be all Deadspin can churn out. Pretty sad for a site that used to have edgy content.