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They also released the trailter for the Famicom mini.

I would rather have this instead of the NES one. Hopefully it will be easy to get here.

I guess they’re in good company, because over 50% can’t figure it out either.

She also seems to have mastered the gloating face.

The feminist faux outrage will open the gates of hell.

Sounds like she was just preparing SJW and feminists to embrace Muslims, who have perfected the act of oppressing women.

Laughing, or pretending you’re superior Carl?

The liberal butt hurt speaks volumes. Everything Trump does generates massive amounts of vile hate from liberals.

And they say Trump says crazy things... This letter is a massive ball of crazy.

Missed opportunity, they should have called it Obama.

Can the desperation get any worse?

Like this?

I think the Nintendo is also going to be an emulation box. I expect the first thing people will complain about is the sound and music, which is the problem with Nintendo on a chip famiclones.

For a minute, I thought you were talking about Lurch.

The jealously never stops.

“a cautious choice of running mate...”

It’s about time men weren’t the only ones used for slave labor in the game industry. We need diversity in the slave labor market.

There was a conservative majority when gay marriage passed. and Scalia was a conservative appointed by Reagan.

Gay marriage is pretty much set in stone, pretty much like Roe vs Wade. Who are you going to appeal it to, the Supreme Supreme Court?

Or that you ushered in the end of the republic.