
If the hat fits.

Worst scene ever?

Eh it’s an easy out. Keeping taxes low is esoteric and can also be manipulated.

This one was taken from a rescueto be friends with a Bush dog at the zoo. They soon realized she was too dainty, for a cheaglehund.

Mexicans killing things is exactly why we need the wall.

Shouldn’t drink saltwater while playing tennis.

Listen to Wade Keller’s interview Fridays podcast. He has writers on often.

Vince McMahon has already signed him to a contract.

When questioned, reps from Jamaica said that they would be no apartheid dis mon

We’ve gone for years now, having had annual passes for a few years and now my wife works there so we can get in whenever we want—although we go less now than we did when we paid for it...because we now live here and it’s no longer a stress free vacation. But here are a few tips from when we did have to pay:

I could almost understand Lucha’s sentiment, if we looked at it through the lens of a scripted drama, like Glow, which it sort of attempts to be.

Well, Wrestling “Writers” dont exist either. Example, Smackdown Live.

I don’t get the hate for Snokes death. His story will get filled in at some point. The real winner here is tht they finally showed some of the constant fighting to be the top heel on the dark side.

I’m surprised there’s no mention of a cell phone? Google translate got me through my work trip to Nicaragua last year when I was left alone with maintenance workers. It wonderful.

Edir: Posted to wrong story

All handwringing and cringing aside here, you have to be impressed with how the system works.

Read, it wasn’t multiplayer

Walmart, forever and always.

I’ve never bought into the body language messages. But I’m just a generally awkward guy who doesn’t really know what to do with his hands, so I’ll switch from in pockets, crossed arms, motion explaining when talking, and on hips. I also prefer to stand when doing meetings etc, as I get uncomfortable the longer I

In listening to the Stone Cold podcast, he makes it out like Shane does much more than wrestle. I’ll have to look it up, it was a couple weeks ago that he talked about it.