Dropped my phone today and shattered the screen.....fuck this day. Updside? Planted a tree.
Dropped my phone today and shattered the screen.....fuck this day. Updside? Planted a tree.
Cnn kind of hit this one a little on the nose.
I humiliated people with my Fastball, but no one knew where I was going without even know the way.
Isn’t meth the one thing we have enough of? Now these foreigners are trying to take our cooking jobs?
So they don’t teach grammar at Texas?
Why does change still shock us?
Give me my money back you bitch
Eh, but let’s not get it twisted. This is entirely because it was caught on tape, not because it’s for the greater good of the kids. Farve is out coaching now, Manning was swept under run, Roth is playing, Jameis is still playing, Incognito is still a dick, and Kluwe is allowed to comment on Deadspin.
I disagree, I liked the Shane match, but I always enjoyed watching him do stupid shit that he looks like he isn’t built to do.
The broadcast handled it weirdly. I thought it was a rerun of the match at first, given all of the errors at the beginning.
Mine invented toaster
Whoa, thanks for this, hadn’t heard of her.
“Please keep your opinions to yourself and just report the things I like.”
It is my firm opinion that you cannot listen to Matisyahu and be in a bad mood at the same time.
“They were playing like kids out there”
So he is one of the few who lol rofl?
+1 haven’t seen you arounds
She’s made a killing on them as well. Hopefully she can keep up with that demand!
That’s illegal?