It's a Porsche thing... The engine being in the rear, it just wanted to come around...
Also that jerk to go around the BMW didn't exactly help too...
It's a Porsche thing... The engine being in the rear, it just wanted to come around...
Also that jerk to go around the BMW didn't exactly help too...
Best use for a Camry!
Are you saying Rosberg is a douche? Douchyer than Hamilton!?
Yeah, the whole world is it's interior space...
YOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOO! (I counted them :( )
Close enough?
Oh god... you were just explained that these thing will become less invasive, outrageously cheaper, and will probably have no side effects. And even then you would always have some eggs left in you.
what ever im outta here...
Yeah and you also are afraid to die to tetanus, chicken pocks, Polio, Yellow Fever, Measels, Smallpox, Malaria, Pertussis and still use a horse carriage and hope some day to get the chance to go voting and maybe, JUST MAYBE go out with your lesbian friend to public places? (im not saying you are lesbian)
The guy is…
My girlfriend had this all the time. Sometimes we even had to call an ambulance. Now she just stays on the pill.
"Some 80% of babies with Down Syndrome are born to women under 35, for one thing, and for another..."
for another thing I bet about 80-90% of the kids are born to women under 35 too...
Okay, kudos to you for explaining your point. I actually didn't hear the term hypercar before the new guys showed up. In that sense I would even say the Mclaren F1 was the 1st hypercar and f40 the first supercar :). Although, one must take into consideration that F1 is in a league of it's own putting them together…
I understand that but if you compare the new porsche, ferrari and mclaren to slr722, they are on a whole other level...
Because you listed it as an hypercar. I believe hyper=hybrid.
What? Drink before you drive?
one:1 is supposedly a megacar. Has one megawatt of power.
That would totally be a thing... If at least two manufacturers went ahead and did this they would get LOADS more attention and coverage than any GP gets...
Oh my...
Ha, look at his head during the shifts :D
I would bet it's tea, because England.
Sorry if I came off a little mad here :D,I actually am not, I just couldnt understand why a made up combination of parts would be so much better than this particular example, as this actually still is a F1 car and the other combination wouldn't be, so even if it was faster that would not matter because then you are…