No Swedbank? :(
For proof, I'd like to introduce you to my 2006 Range Rover, which is a used luxury vehicle that I purchased for approximately the same price as a Toyota Camry. On paper, this seems like a great deal: for less than $27,000, I got 4-wheel drive, and leather upholstery, and heated front seats, and heated rear seats, and…
As another commenter pointed out... they made 30 cars in 82. In. Total.
I am still waiting for an answer...
Yeah, another thing that speaks for this is that they have never mentioned the Gotlands...
210 is weaksauce, the one in the video was 1000 :D
its actually Wasserspritzer
In German if you have s followed by p or t, the s is pronounced "sh".
So for example a Steven in Germany would be pronounced Shteven :D
My theory is that the Gotland class subs just werent there yet, so they cornered the unidentified sub, but couldn't pinpoint it or ID it. As the silent supersubs arrived and took position now, they release false info that their forces have returned to base and they called off the search. Much like they did with the…
But I'd like to be proven wrong ! :D
Since Iran got rid of the CIA backed Puppet dictator?
Or you mean 1980 when USA armed Saddam Hussein so he could invade Iran?
I was not talking about Obama, it doesn't really matter who is in charge, since the two candidates you usually have differ only in unimportant matters like gay marriage and birth control... On…
I was thinking that maybe they cornered the ship, but couldn't put a finger on it. Then they waited until the Gotland class boats get in position and now give out false information so that the enemy would try to retreat since "all of the boats are back in harbour". As they do so, Gotlands are just standing by and…
" ...we are not talking about normal, sane countries. We are talking about maniacally led dictatorships that operate with paranoia and hostility. They are inscrutable and subject to rash actions from time to time. If either one feels threatened, they would use whatever they have militarily to lash out at an enemy..."
How does Iran come to mind!?
In modern times Iran has not invaded or attacked any country. You would have to go back to biblical times and that is more than 2,000 years ago.
Are you not saying that? :D
If you are talking about the USA, it would be better for all of us if you had a smaller force :D
At first he is speaking with you, then him.
You mean export?
DUDE, every day of the week, day night and morning and evening and ...
you get my point...
Anything noteworthy?