
Funny I hardly ever use it that way. Don't know why I chose to here. I think I've been inordinately influenced by Holly from True Blood recently...

Goddess, I hate the word "sassy"! It just carries creepy connotations for me, implanted I think through advertising or editorial copy. Women of color are "sassy" plus-size women are "sassy" 50+ women are encouraged to be "sassy."

I hear you — it's one of the last bits of control and independence they have. I give props to my almost 90 y/o dad who made the decision on his own to give up his car and driving. As much of a PIA as he can be in other areas, he realized his legs weren't strong enough and he no longer had the focus and control to be

Ugh this article has me all in a twist. On the one hand, I like the recognition of older woman-younger man relationships. On the other, the ageism and unflattering stereotyping — of both men and women — is offensive, along with the snarky, bitter tone.

I hate this woman with the fire of a thousand suns, but yet I admire her achievements in fitness, especially as a 40+ woman. It takes a great deal of discipline and focus to have a time like that, and she does look great.

hoo boy, I see hours of fun at this site. Can't wait to peruse it. Thanks for the tip.

Love the coconut oil love here — so good for you internally as well as outside, on hair, face, body, etc.

Ooh, so judgy! There are things that I can do myself, but that I often like to leave to professionals because they will do an infinitely better job than I can. Pedicures are definitely among them. So when I can afford it I get them done. I support a hard-working local businesswoman and some of her hard-working

hearted for that! It's just a great way to keep a running list of some of the music most meaningful to me. And I am a control freak/highly opinionated about music, like the guys in "High Fidelity."

Completely, totally and officially SCHEEVED OUT by this.

thanks for this — such life and soul! I always thought Ashford and Simpson were pretty cool. You're reminding me that this song needs to go on my "memorial" playlist, what I want played at my service (not rushing things, though).

Yay Madonna, my heroine in so many ways. I've loved her ever since I wanted to BE her in like 1984. Shes only a few years older than me, and we share a liking for the cute younger men (and I feel better that her age difference is even larger than the one I have going on).

OMG this site is FABULOUS.

I was glad that I made the effort to go in and see it on Friday. By some miracle, my friend and I, who were at the end of the line near the north Central Park border, got whisked into the side entrance, where we *only* had to wait 1.5 hours in the inside line. Was a good time to catch up with each other,

"She's starting to look like hotdog casing." — Oof, harsh, but true. I love it.

I love this woman, she totally inspires me on so many levels! And especially as someone who just slogged through 45 laps of my Y pool, (little more than 1/2 mile) I think what she's doing is astonishing. I'm tearing up... she embodies what I am trying to do, in a much smaller way.

wow this was a hoot!

Amen. I like to look good when I'm working out, it keeps me motivated. I used to wear baggier shorts and T shirts, but being short myself and a bit "thick" in a good, athletic way, they tend to make me look schlubby and heavier than I am. So for me the perfect workout outfit is tight spandex capris + under

Not everyone who wears Spanx or their ilk talks about it... but it is the key to why people look so much, well, smoother.

I think that John Cusack still looks pretty good, all things considered — I'd still hit it. He totally looks like other normally aging 40-something guys I know, for better or worse. Don't think the years of smoking have done him any favors, though.