
This reminds me when people were pissed about Leon Kennedy showing up in the fifth Resident Evil movie because he was mentioned in a tiny background news article pinned to a wall in the second movie, wherein that article stated that he was a rookie cop that was killed in action.

They sure as hell could be. It wouldn’t take much.

This looks fun and well-made, but I agree that it ALSO points out the absurdity of how they treat fan games. “NO WAY CAN SOMEONE REMAKE METROID 2, A GAME WE ALREADY MADE, TO LOOK PRETTIER!” “Yes of course Rabbids are worthy of being featured alongside Mario because rabbids obviously mean quality.”

Despite being ubiquitous with the concept of “terribad” on the Internet, I found Mighty No. 9 to be everything it promised and more.

....no? I remember only seeing how profits sunk way down with their focus on pachinko machines, and as a result they’re once more trying to make video games, but none have emerged yet.

I actually legitimately never thought he was talking about his dick when he reached that line? I guess I’m just pure and innocent like the newfallen snow.

1) Read “The Legend of Wonder Woman”

There was a good concept/story at the core of Man of Steel as well, frankly. The core inspiration was this idea that, in the comics, when Superman appears, he does the interview with Lois and talks about being from Krypton and stuff, and everybody is like “Wow! Imagine being this incredibly strong flying man!” The

To be fair, I think to many people - my wife included - it was just “The Tower of Terror.” To her, the Twilight Zone element didn’t even warrant a mention; she liked it as its own thing.

Well, to be fair, that decision was 100% Joss Whedon.

They did not rewrite his Alien: Resurrection script on the set or change the tone on-set - it’s shortened for budgetary reasons (dropping mostly one big, pricey action scene) but the lines are all intact.

No one in this thread has mentioned Elektra yet...

I always loved that scene, frankly. Because it feels like two actors who are friends really just goofing around; Dunst is, for a brief moment, a likable human instead of a self-centered robot character.

I personally always liked 3 the best of the Raimi films because it has the most actual action (as opposed to Weeping Parker-Man, the hero of the first two films), everything in the movie still makes more sense than “You Didn’t Really Want to be Spider-Man So You Lost Your Powers,” and because he ACTUALLY HAS SNARKY

I can’t find very much fault with The Amazing Spider-Man, at least. For me that’s the high bar.

Do we all assume that Johnny Depp is definitely a wifebeater because he LOOKS so scuzzy. I mean... I usually assume that if a woman says “he beat me,” the woman is inherently telling the truth. It’s just too common, sadly.

Frankly I find the Super Hero Girls animations funnier so far. :)

I’ve loved the animated web series and the one TV special they did. I assume this is probably the exact same continuity.

I sure hope this movie is better than TFW.

So they’re turning to someone who knows how to play dirty.