

I am ready to start BEGGING for the 3DS or the Vita to get something - anything - other than RPGs.

He’s from Hong Kong. Specificially, British Hong Kong. He grew up in that city when it was a separate nation and not part of China. He’s “Chinese” only in the sense of being part of the Chinese racial group. He’s not from China.

Shit, does he? I keep getting seriously confused about that, because of his claims of false diagnosis, then re-diagnosis, and then... I don’t know where the fuck it ended up.

You missed some really, really, REALLY good games my friend.

The ability to keep my song from crying while he was teething was worth its weight in gold to me, at least.

My a couple of years ago, my son (who was one year old) dropped his pacifier through a fence and into a little grassy area around the pond.

I’m excited. The first one was pretty great.

Is it too much to hope for a surprise Mother 3 release?

Me too. I hope we get a release date for Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS4 next week, at least.

Hey, Sony was full of big surprises last year that weren’t leaked beforehand.

I love Frank West. As far as I’m concerned, “Dead Rising 2: Off the Record” was the best game in the series to date.

I’m cautiously excited. Really hoping that there’s potential for a stealth/hack-heavy, low-violence playthrough.

Batman: Arkham Origins, which I never finished and is still great.

Sadly, they barely even do Directs anymore.

I’m willing to believe nothing of the kind without some serious evidence at this point, because the smear campaign against some poor Nintendo office worker has been FUCKING RIDICULOUS and already included loads of horseshit lies.

We really need a term better than “homophobia.”

And yet, despite all the changes, this game is STILL creepy as all fuck.

And neither was she. I don’t care if she was a skimpyclothes model, that doesn’t make her a hooker.

I will accept this as a reasonable compromise.