Raoul Raoul

A great start to the season, and I’m sad I’ll have to wait for the conclusion. (At least I hope that’s what I’m sad about.)

I wonder how many of them could be convinced to launch a bombing campaign against the religious fundamentalists in that noted terrorist haven, al-Abama.

Well, doesn’t MAGA stand for “Make America Gutless Again”?

My guess would be that Swihart knew it was a fake and saw that Diaz didn’t have the ball, but he thought they were trying to deke him for a different reason — trying to keep him from going from first to third on a base hit, maybe. He knew he wasn’t out, and he started looking for the ball only once he was around

In case you were worried the show might be taking itself too seriously, tonight’s episode finds Sam and Eddie on the trail of a missing DJ.

“There are many people throughout the world who are proud to call Pope County home.”

Afghanistan: The Graveyard of Prime-Time Animation Empires.

Liefeld became big when he took over on New Mutants. I think we have the previous artist on New Mutants, Bret Blevins, to blame for Liefeld’s popularity; Blevins, by editorial direction, drew the New Mutants — a bunch of teenage protagonists, some of them at the older end of their teenage years— to look like tweens.

I saw By Night #3 in the Boom! solicitations that just came out, and after making a note to look for the collected edition, I wondered why I hadn’t heard anything about this series, especially given that I read Bad Machinery every day and get Giant Days in trades. It wasn’t until I read this article that I realized

I’m close to finishing reading all the Nebula best-novel nominees. I’m working through Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly, which is set in a secondary world that tries to capture the louche world of Weimar Germany through a combination of John le Carre and Cabaret. The latter comes through pretty well, but the

The second book in the trilogy is very much a middle — moving pieces around in anticipation of the ending. There is a payoff at the end of The Obelisk Gate, if you’re willing to stick around for it, but from what you’ve said, I’m not sure you should. I’ve read the entire trilogy, and it feels like it could’ve been

I mean, sure: they not only elected Sam Brownback to the Senate and governor’s mansion, they re-elected him to both positions despite the fact — and this is literally true — that he is Sam Brownback. But maybe Kansans just have a Brownback fetish.

According to Baseball Reference, Colón is 44, not 43. He turns 45 on May 24.

I wonder if his rich buddies tell him about the role of private equity in stripping and killing businesses for hedge fund profits? I’m going to bet................ yes. Just kidding, no, they don’t tell him anything about that.

Barbara Gordon was a librarian early in her career, so that’s just what I would expect Batgirl to say. (She later gave up the profession for the House of Representatives. Comics!)

According to IMDB and Wikipedia, A.J. Langer married a British lord and became Countess of Devon, so she’s got that going for her.

Did the Honolulu police have any computers? Probably not at the beginning, but I’d be curious if their records were being digitized (on the show) by the end of the run.

Tina Majorino is far too good for Scorpion. I can’t fault her, but I have to wonder about casting directors.

That’s not exactly what I meant: Mac wasn’t a part of the main cast, and since he had access to the computers I’m not sure it’s hacking (it’s more of an informant role — if the info wasn’t on military computers, could Mac do anything?), and Mac was on the show for less than half Magnum’s run.

Yeah, he occasionally was involved in Cold War intrigue and did Navy things, but private investigation was his primary occupation. I’m talking about what CBS will put in the press release when it goes to series. (I should definitely have been clearer.)