Which is more likely — that Magnum will have a computer hacker sidekick or that he’ll be connected to some shadowy part of the military-industrial complex, a la the new MacGyver?
Which is more likely — that Magnum will have a computer hacker sidekick or that he’ll be connected to some shadowy part of the military-industrial complex, a la the new MacGyver?
We lived in a plutocracy. This is now a kakistrocacy with mostly plutocratic tendencies.
Changing Tyrone to be just another high school student is disappointing. I always thought his original reason for running away to New York was tragic and compelling: a friend was shot by police when they mistook the kid for a thief, and Tyrone’s stutter stopped him from telling the cop he was making a mistake. Tyrone…
What’s the one thing in your closet you’ll never get rid of, even though you should?
Until the First Order knew about the escape shuttles, she was supposed to lead the enemies away from the cloaked shuttles. After the shuttles were detected, it took a while for the cruiser to turn about; if she had tried to turn about before the First Order had another target (or if Hux had fired upon the cruiser when…
Oh, what a friend we have in cheeses.
Oooh! I wanna be the George Papadopoulos piece. (Not that one — the Alex Karras one.) You have to pity the person who has to be Ma’am in a four-player game, though.
Player of Games was my first Banks book as well, and it’s still my favorite of his Culture novels. But there are a lot of great books in the series: Use of Weapons is one has stuck with me for years, Look to Windward is probably considered the best, and for some reason I have a soft spot for Inversions.
I would opt for Sithrak, the god who hates you unconditionally, from Oglaf. Nothing you do will make Sithrak angry — Sithrak was angry already!
I meant to say liking Warrior of the Lost World is more common. Too late to edit now.
Hey! Evidently, you’re the other person who likes either City Limits and Being from Another Planet. (I like Warrior of the Lost World, but I think that’s uncommon.) Good to meet you!
Hidden depths, man, hidden depths.
Mencken also said, “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
That’s no moon over Parma ...
Dave was a fan of Green Acres in NewsRadio; Green Acres pops up in at least a couple of episodes (the one where Dave buys Lisa a TV, I think, and one of the sci-fi season enders).
Game shows have restrictive laws about this sort of things, passed after the quiz-show scandals of the ‘50s. If they rigged the game for the contestants, and didn’t admit it, the producers could be liable for criminal prosecution.
They’re still around — my wife just bought me a couple from the local Rite-Aid. I can’t imagine she looked very hard for them. I still pick them up, from time to time.
Breitbart was at war with Ivanka: Oceania had always been at war with Ivanka.
Here’s one that will make Southern heads asplode: Gen. George Thomas, Virginian, who remained with the Union rather than turn traitor; the man who gained the nickname of “Rock of Chickamauga” after his command saved the Union army at that battle; the man who commanded the army that destroyed the Confederate Army of…
While not commenting on your larger points, this game wasn’t going to be replayed if it was postponed. With a doubleheader already scheduled for tomorrow to make up for Friday’s rainout, they couldn’t play today’s game Sunday; since Washington is so far ahead and San Fran so far behind, there’s no real reason to…