Raoul Raoul

Enjoy your round of rabies shots, Lucas.

Sam Brownback! Nominating a man who is literally — literally! — Sam Brownback is a low, even for the Trump kakistocracy.

It ain’t exactly a picnic for the rest of us either.

Green was personally involved in this illegal smuggling.

Diplomacy is the game you can play with friends only once — because if you agree to play it with those people again, you’re not really friends.

I know! It’s not like there was a glut of power-hitting first basemen on the market for cheap last winter.

If you originally saw the show in syndication — non-prime time reruns — that missed scene may have been cut out for more commercials. (It allows the channel running the syndicated show to make a bit more money.) Streaming, of course, has no reason to cut out those bits.

Of course not. Only American conservative heroes, like Donald Trump and Linda McMahon, can endure a Stone Cold Stunner. A liberal reporter would have been atomized by the move.

I hope he makes the “most persecuted” claim in Israel. Because I’m sure the Israelites will have nothing come to mind immediately to compare that statement to.

“Leaks” is a popular deflecting tactic, I think. I wrote my representative, Bob Goodlatte, politely expressing my concerns about Russian involvement with the Trump administration, and three months later, he (or his office) respond with a page-and-a-half letter mostly about how he’s getting to the bottom of those

I-64 through West Virginia. Yes, there are mountains with beautiful vistas, but the mountains mainly remind me that you can’t drive in a straight line.

For the last 25 years, the service academies permitted athletes to defer their 2 years of active service...

Journalistic style guides usually recommend using “innocent” rather than “not guilty” because the “not” could be easily lost during the writing / editing process. “Innocent” is not as precise as “not guilty,” but a typo with “innocent” is less likely to confuse / mislead readers or get a publication sued.

Patty Mills? From The Half-Court Trap, that movie where he has to get Gregg Popovich and Steve Kerr back together again? Man, I love that movie.

The run scored on an RBI groundout. It would have been an RBI fielder’s choice if he’d thrown out the runner behind him going to third.

The quote is usually attributed to Samuel Johnson, but I prefer Ambrose Bierce’s version in The Devil’s Dictionary: “In Dr. Johnson’s famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer, I beg to submit that it is the first.”

Tomorrow is another day.

$10 every day? What kind of nonsense are you pushing? In my day, it was $10 a week, and I liked it! I could buy food from at least — at least! —two of the food groups,* and I even had money left over to buy penny candy afterwards.**