Raoul Raoul

My wife and I would probably still have the ‘92 Corolla she owned before we were married, if only I could have fit into the driver’s seat in such a way that I could operate the pedals.

Such an immodest guy. My intervention today kept the Earth from slamming into the sun, and you don’t hear me say one word about it, even though it was the greatest thing anyone’s ever done.

Part of me says Jonny Quest, who is at best a teenager, running around with a pistol (and his best friend toting a machine gun), is a horrible idea.

Is ... is mentioning the Bengals / Browns game verboten? Or is it left out of the throwgasm list because it’s a Thursday game?

I spotted the face! Is there a prize?

Only eight of the runs were charged to Buehrle, and all of them were unearned. (The Jays made two errors in the short time he was on the mound.) Not that it matters, I suppose, other than out of a nitpicky sense of accuracy.

It’s just evidence that he hasn’t changed his “Word a Day” calendar in more than a week.

To be fair, I think Ant-Man can tell ants what to do in general, not just what they can or can’t do in regards to you.

Hey! My dad calls meringue “calf slobbers” too. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone else use that term, though.

Well, I'd been wishing Peter Dinklage would get more roles in high-profile movies.

I find it interesting that no one decided the New Madrid Fault, a potential disaster in the making, was worth using. Not enough people to fall into cracks in the earth, I suppose.

Wait wait wait wait — are you telling me there are high school history classes that teach, at any depth, about what happened after the Civil War? That doesn't jibe with my experience at all. As far as I can remember, the last week of history class was a bunch of shouted phrases like "the Gilded Age,"

Apparently, side effects of Nomolestol may include gynecomastia.

I don't think Wildish knows shit from Shinola.

And Patriot and Hawkeye right below them. And farther to their right, Adam Warlock and Clea. Clea! And the second Captain Marvel, which might be even more remarkable than Clea but is less interesting to a Ditko fan like me.

I think I'm confused — what makes the SF Squeecast a "fancast"? McGuire, Cornell, Bear, and Valente are all professional writers, with Valente being nominated for the Best Novel Hugo in 2010 and McGuire (as Mira Grant) the last two years. Thomas is the editor of Apex Magazine and has written a Hugo-Award winning

Of course they can include the picture of Aldrin on the moon in an Armstrong obituary. He took one of the most famous, if not the most famous, pictures in the history of man. I think that's a greater accomplishment than "got his picture taken on the moon."

Jean / Scott hasn't been cool since they were young and in love, and one of them was committing suicide on the moon. After that, they went from creepy retcon / "abandon wife and child" to the most boring people in comics.